Harvard University: The bad example comes from the top

Historian David Randall is the first to dare to say that the queen is naked.

I explain to you.

What is the most prestigious, most famous university in the world?

It’s debatable, but we can’t prove you entirely wrong if you answer: Harvard University, in Boston.


Harvard has just named Claudine Gay as president of the institution.

Traditionally, a professor takes on this role.

We agree that he must have had an exceptional career.

David Randall therefore looked at the academic CV of Mme Gay.

As of October 2022, she had published 11 scientific articles, between 1998 and 2017, and co-edited a book.

In the academic world, co-editing a book is when, in the company of a colleague, you bring together chapters written by others.

This is not a book written by you.

In comparison, one of the predecessors of Mme Gay, the economist Larry Summers had published as many articles as she in 1987 alone, in addition to having been Secretary of the Treasury and chief economist of the World Bank.

All the other recent presidents of Harvard have an infinitely better track record than her.

Admittedly, in this environment, correct CVs are the norm, but these people do not expect to be catapulted to the presidency of their institution.

M’s CVme Gay is so thin that one even wonders, says Randall, how she ever got the tenure that comes with the title of full professor.

He gives the overwhelmingly obvious answer himself.

Mme Gay is a woman. It therefore ticks a first positive box according to the new gospel of the EDI religion (equity, diversity and inclusion).

She is African American. Second good point.

She is ultra-left. Third good point.

A political scientist, she has taught “African-American Studies” and, more specifically, the electoral participation of Black Americans.

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You will note in passing that in today’s academic world, trans people study… trans people, people from ethnic minority X study… ethnic minority X, and so on.

In fact, it’s M’s entire journey.me Gay for more than 20 years which is explained by the preferential treatment linked to sex and skin color.

At each stage of her rise, Randall says, it was not difficult to find more qualified candidates.

Ironically, his elevation to the presidency comes as the U.S. Supreme Court considers the constitutionality of so-called “positive” admissions discrimination practiced… by Harvard.


In short, Randall considers her “embarrassingly unqualified” for the presidency.

Everyone knows it, but no one says it openly.

Raise these questions in academia and listen to the sound of crickets.

In other circles too, see the number of people who owe their recent positions not to their merits, but to the new religion of diversity.

Merry Christmas to all. It is an honor to be read by you.

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