Harsh criticism: – It looks like a friend service

This is a discussion post. The post is an expression of the writer’s own position.

Friend services are quite fine as such, just not when the municipality is one party.

The case here is regarding a large contractor’s clever acquisition and subsequent sale of a property.

The matter must be finally dealt with at the municipal council meeting on 25 April under a closed clause, as it contains confidential information regarding some of the finances.

But that does not prevent me from reproducing what to me looks like a friendly service between the contractor and the political level in Jammerbugt Municipality.

The case concerns a large project in one of Jammerbugt Municipality’s larger towns.

Here, a large contractor wanted to carry out a major renovation and came to the municipality to develop a new local plan for the area. All this a few years ago, and the local plan has long since been adopted.

In order for the contractor’s project to be successful, some properties had to be purchased, which the contractor set regarding.

The property, which I now believe is part of a friend service, was bought by the contractor in November 2021. So almost 2.5 years ago. Everything is still in perfect order.

Unfortunately, a lot happens in the world, which results in the contractor’s big project suddenly not being realized anyway.

At a meeting of the finance committee in February 2024, we will make new and smaller plans for the project.

Plans that require a changed planning basis for the previously mentioned property. A planning basis which, for me, does not make the property worth more.

In fact, it now looks more like a misinvestment on the part of the contractor.

The alarm bells are ringing

This is when my alarm bells start ringing.

For now, Jammerbugt Municipality must suddenly show goodwill towards the project by buying the property in question from the contractor.

And that at a price that is above what the contractor originally paid for the property, even though the planning basis is now worse than when the contractor bought the property.

Jammerbugt Municipality does not buy the property with a view to resale, but with the limited task of demolishing it and followingwards setting up a town square on the site.

All members of the municipal board want development in our municipality.

I want that too, but it must be on reasonable and decent terms.

This case, I think, is an unfair favoring of the contractor in question. And not least, it is the citizens’ money that finances the benefit.

The contractor’s project originally included this property, so the contractor should not be able to make a financial gain from making a mistake purchase.

Calling this a friend service is entirely at my own expense, because that’s how I see it. The citizens of Jammerbugt Municipality can say what they want regarding the matter. At least now the facts have been laid out.

2024-04-18 18:53:53
#Harsh #criticism #friend #service



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