Harry demands high damages from “Mirror” publishers in court

2023-07-01 06:51:00

According to court documents released on the last day of a trial in London, the younger son of King Charles III. 440,000 pounds (around 509,000 euros) in damages.

Harry’s lawyers allege that between 1996 and 2020, Mirror Group Newspapers’ Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror and People newspapers used illegally obtained material for numerous stories. It was regarding the 38-year-old’s relationships with his family or his then-girlfriend Chelsy Davy, illnesses, his military service or alleged drug abuse.

In a two-day cross-examination, Harry personally testified in court that the reports had destroyed friendships and relationships and triggered paranoia. The publisher has admitted methods such as illegal wiretapping in the past, but rejects almost all current allegations. MGN lawyers have conceded a case and offered £500 in damages.

A verdict is expected at a later date.


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