Harmonizing Frequencies: Discoveries from the SRT Team at University Radio 102.3 FM

2024-09-08 21:50:31

Starting Monday, September 9, Radio Universidad (AM 580) and 102.3 FM Más que Música will unify their programming. The decision was taken by the current board of directors of the Multimedia Radio and Television Service (SRT) of the National University of Córdoba (UNC) at a time when the company is going through a budget crisis.


grade. The ups and downs and surprises of radio measurements in Córdoba

In this way, University AM and FM will no longer have differentiated content grids and will start broadcasting the same programs on their respective carousels. The two radio stations’ Instagram accounts simultaneously posted: “Starting this Monday, the two radio powerhouses greet each other and come together to bring you the best shows.”

With this decision, plans like this daily diary, so much cheating, subversion, no one comes out alive, cordoba sports center y good morningThe broadcast will go off the air, and more reporters and technicians will be off the air. These examples are added to those of other cycles, e.g. a hug oh nothing from another worldIt was announced some time ago that it would withdraw from the grid.

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Change. This is how Christian Maldonado bids farewell to 102.3 Our Radio: where he is going without something from another world

All these changes take place within the framework of the multimedia restructuring plan of the university, which is executed jointly by Rector Daniel Barraco and Vice-Rector Daniel Biga.

According to the regulations of the multimedia authorities, starting from this Monday, the program schedule of the two TV stations is as follows:

7 to 10: catch up

10 to 13: look who’s talking

13 to 16: another twist

16 to 18: the damage has been done

18 to 20: The evening of the reporting day

20 to 22: fine-tuning

22:00: Tradition

Letters from Labor

This Sunday, with the gradual announcement of new shared programs on university AM and FM, the SRT workers’ conference sent a letter to the multimedia board of directors expressing dissatisfaction with the decision. They also stressed that the decision undermined the diversity that “has long been a hallmark of university multimedia”.

In the letter, workers denounced the scrutiny of colleagues who have been excluded from scheduling and requested a meeting with the company’s board of directors.

The following is the full text:

Go to the SRT directory:

The SRT-UNC employee union is dissatisfied with the company’s board of directors’ decision to undergo a reorganization that involves eliminating certain programs and certain voices from our programming, impacting the diverse character that has long characterized University Multimedia.

We’ve been saying for months that SRT’s brutal adjustments were made without direction, without a plan, without a compass. Today we see the results: the elimination of voices is censorship.

Several of our journalism colleagues have seen their positions and missions threatened, and it’s worth holding on to leave no one behind. Taking into account the intention to unify the programming of the two stations, the special characteristics of the two stations will be removed: no broadcasts, no channels, no remaining media.

We SRT workers have been engaged in a collective struggle for several months. We want to remain determined and united.

Corporate management’s response defied common sense. Canceling programming means limiting the commercial growth front in anticipation of a relaunch. The reorganization was not held to any perceived standards, whether journalistic, business or labor standards. To make matters worse, the chairman publicly stated that journalism must “inform without opinion” and implemented pre-censorship on reporters. We will not allow them to undermine the dignity of journalism.

Some colleagues had their driving space removed without any explanation, while others had no features. Boards that claim to be trying to be more efficient have employees work for weeks on end without completing any tasks. One of them was a press representative, a member of the union and someone with whom the president was clearly hostile.

Point A of Article 2 of the resolution adopted by the Supreme Council at the end of February clearly states that recovery and reorganization must be carried out with the participation of workers, which is a blatant violation and a personal commitment of the rector John Boreto.

In the committee that developed SRT’s comprehensive communication plan, headed by Mariela Parisi, Dean of the School of Communication, we workers openly rejected the unification because we sensed that it was the intention of the Board of Trustees and the Rector to follow it.

It is for all the above reasons that we request a meeting of the company’s board of directors to discuss these issues and ensure positions and working conditions, as well as the means to give SRT multiple stamps.

More information

SRT workers protest. Building next to Economic Sciences in University City.

University of North Carolina. SRT and a plan that damages its history? Sound fades, seedbed at risk

#University #Radio #Unified #Programming #Letters #SRT #Staff

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Radio Universidad: A New Era of Unified Programming

Starting​ Monday, September 9, Radio Universidad (AM 580) ​and 102.3‍ FM Más que ⁤Música will embark‌ on a new journey,⁣ unifying their programming⁢ to​ bring listeners the best shows on both frequencies. ⁤This⁣ decision was made by the current board of directors of‌ the​ Multimedia Radio​ and Television Service (SRT) of ‍the National University of Córdoba (UNC) amidst a budget crisis.

The End of Differentiated Content

With ⁢this decision, University AM and FM will‌ no longer have separate content ‌grids, and both stations will broadcast the⁣ same programs​ on their ⁤respective carousels. ⁤This change will result in the cancellation of popular shows like “Daily⁢ Diary”, “So Much Cheating”, “Subversion

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title: **Radio Universidad: A New Era of Unified Programming**:

Radio Universidad: A New Era of Unified Programming

Starting Monday, September 9, Radio Universidad (AM 580) and 102.3 FM Más que Música will unify their programming, marking a significant change in the radio landscape. This decision was made by the current board of directors of the Multimedia Radio and Television Service (SRT) of the National University of Córdoba (UNC) amidst a budget crisis.

What does this mean?

With this unification, University AM and FM will no longer have separate content grids, instead broadcasting the same programs on their respective carousels. The two radio stations’ Instagram accounts simultaneously announced the change, stating, “Starting this Monday, the two radio powerhouses greet each other and come together to bring you the best shows.”

Impact on existing shows

This decision means that several popular shows will go off the air, including “daily diary,” “so much cheating,” “subversion,” “no one comes out alive,” “cordoba sports center,” and “good morning.” Additionally, more reporters and technicians will be let go. These changes are part of the multimedia restructuring plan of the university, executed by Rector Daniel Barraco and Vice-Rector Daniel Biga.

New Program Schedule

As of Monday, the program schedule of the two radio stations will be as follows:

7 to 10: “catch up”

10 to 13: “look who’s talking”

* 13 to 16: “another twist



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