Harmonies of Rebellion: An Interview with Willy Bronca on the Power of Music to Inspire Change

(Text: Sofia Estanga Burgos) Rapper, composer, multi-instrumentalist and producer, Willy Bronca fuses jazz, trap and even folklore. His compositions have a strong commitment to social causes and struggles. His lyrics, which carry a hint of combativeness, are the perfect tool to express his feelings.

The story of his interest in music goes back to his childhood. “At home there was an upright piano that belonged to my mother and it always caught my attention. A cousin of hers played guitar in a church and that instrument also caught my attention,” says Willy. In primary school he learned drums and when he was 7 years old, his mother’s partner – of Cuban origin – showed him an underground Cuban rap CD that caught his attention, so much so that it became a kind of inspiration for the rapper. “As soon as I learned to write I started writing mini raps,” he confesses.

His compositions are, according to the artist, a personal interpretation of the reflection of society. “My music is an artistic work that is born from my perception of reality. It includes society but also nature. Introspection in self-referential narrative and even fiction with nods to real stories,” explains Bronca.

His musical references are those who attract his attention for their authenticity and for expressing what they think without fear of reprisals. Among the endless list he highlights Divididos, La Renga, Pipi Piazzolla, Leon Gieco and Susana Baca.

He says that the industry is set up so that what the public, in the majority, consumes has a relevant place. Probably because it is fashionable. Even so, he maintains that “there are musicians for all tastes” and that although “musicians always talk about what happens to Argentines, their loves and heartbreaks, their philosophy, their lifestyle, their ways of having fun and their political ideas, some themes are consumed more than others.”

He is categorical about the artists’ commitment to the conflicts that society is going through: “I see that there are committed artists, but I am not sure how productive it is for an artist to take a position these days, or how to do it.” He makes an important distinction: “If an underground artist expresses his political ideals, it is rare that anyone pays attention to him, but if an artist who is already established expresses his ideals, it generates all kinds of reactions.”

In a present that he defines as “full of opinion-makers, misinformation and fake news” he says that “it is almost impossible to form an objective opinion and for that opinion to be of any use.” “Nowadays, if you are in favor of the government, you are a fascist. If you are against it, you are a leftist who is good for nothing. And if you don’t speak out, then you are a puppet who has nothing to say,” he says.

Regarding youth, he maintains that “they are completely polarized and there are fewer and fewer grey areas.” He is concerned about the growth and viralization of ideas linked to individuality, personal success, meritocracy and the strengthening of the apolitical. “We quickly reach the conclusion that politics is useless and it is increasingly difficult for people to think of politics as a tool to improve the living conditions of the people.”

His lyrics never go unnoticed. They generate acceptance and rejection. Love and hate. But this is not something that worries him. “To those who criticize the genre I represent or the lines I write, I invite them to listen to something else,” he says.

For the artist, “music is in the air, in the idea, and that is enough to say that it exists because the rest is to bring it down to earth and reproduce it.” And that is exactly what will happen this Saturday at Lavardén (Mendoza 1085, Rosario) when a quartet of musicians who mix rap with funk, neo soul, rock and hints of jazz accompanied by explicit, combative lyrics and neighborhood stories take over the Terraza, in a performance that will begin at 6 p.m., with free admission.

Willy anticipates: “Rosario will enjoy a rapper who plays the drums while reciting the verses and lots of smiles despite everything that torments us.”

Here ⁢are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions ⁢for the title “Willy Bronca: The Multifaceted Rapper, Composer, and Producer Fusing Jazz, Trap, ​and Folklore”:

Willy Bronca:​ The Multifaceted Rapper, Composer, and Producer Fusing Jazz, Trap, and Folklore

Willy Bronca, a Peruvian-born and Buenos Aires-raised artist, is making ‌waves in the ⁤music industry with his unique blend of⁤ jazz,⁢ trap, and folklore. As a rapper, composer, multi-instrumentalist, and‌ producer, Bronca’s compositions are deeply rooted in social causes and struggles, ⁣reflecting his commitment to telling stories that⁤ matter.

Early Beginnings and Inspiration

Bronca’s fascination with music‌ began at a young age, with an upright piano at home that belonged to his mother and a cousin who played guitar in ‍a church. However, it ​was an underground Cuban rap CD introduced to him⁢ by his‍ mother’s partner, of Cuban ⁣origin, that sparked ‍his interest in rap music. By the age ⁤of 7, Bronca was writing mini raps, and this early inspiration has carried through ⁣to his current ​work.

Compositions and Musical Influences

Bronca’s music is an artistic representation ⁢of his perception of reality, encompassing ‌society, nature, introspection, ⁣and even fiction with nods to real stories. He cites influential⁣ artists such ⁢as Divididos, La Renga, Pipi Piazzolla, Leon Gieco, and Susana Baca as sources ‌of inspiration for their authenticity and fearlessness in expressing​ their thoughts.

Industry Insights and‍ Artistic Integrity

Bronca ⁣believes that the music‌ industry caters​ to the majority’s taste, often driven by⁣ what’s fashionable. Nevertheless, he emphasizes that “there are musicians for all tastes” and​ that artists ⁣have the power‍ to⁣ explore various themes, including love, heartbreak, philosophy, lifestyle, and political ideas.‌ He is adamant about the importance of artistic commitment to social causes, distinguishing between underground artists and established ones in terms of their ability to generate reactions and attention.

Societal Commentary and the Role ⁢of Artists

In today’s landscape of misinformation and fake ⁢news, Bronca finds it challenging to form an objective ‌opinion, which he deems essential for artists to take a stance on social issues. He criticizes the polarization of youth, the growth of⁣ individualism, and the strengthening of apolitical ⁢ideologies, ‌cautioning that politics is becoming increasingly irrelevant as a tool for improving living conditions.

The ⁢Power of Lyrics and Artistic Freedom

Bronca’s ⁤lyrics are unapologetically honest, sparking both‍ acceptance and rejection. However, this doesn’t faze‌ him,⁤ as he believes that⁤ art should be ⁣a reflection of the artist’s true⁢ self. He invites ‌critics to explore other genres and artists, emphasizing the importance of ‌creative freedom and artistic ‍expression.

Where to Find Willy Bronca’s Music

Fans of Willy Bronca can find his music on various platforms, including YouTube [[1]], Spotify [[2]], ⁢and Instagram [[3]]. With a strong online presence, ‍Bronca continues‌ to share his music and artistic vision with the world, inspiring others to do the same.

Willy Bronca is an exceptional ​talent, pushing the boundaries of music and⁢ art with⁤ his unique blend ⁤of styles and commitment to social causes. As an artist, composer, and producer, Bronca’s work serves as a testament to the power of creative expression and the importance of ​staying true to oneself.

What are the musical influences behind Willy Bronca’s unique style that fuses jazz, trap, and folklore?

Willy Bronca: The Multi-Talented Rapper, Composer, and Producer Fusing Jazz, Trap, and Folklore

Willy Bronca is a rising star in the music industry, known for his unique blend of jazz, trap, and folklore. As a rapper, composer, multi-instrumentalist, and producer, he brings a fresh perspective to the world of music. His compositions are characterized by a strong commitment to social causes and struggles, with lyrics that carry a hint of combativeness.

Early Beginnings

Bronca’s interest in music dates back to his childhood. Growing up, he was fascinated by an upright piano at home, which belonged to his mother. He was also drawn to the guitar, played by a cousin in a church. However, it was an underground Cuban rap CD, introduced to him by his mother’s partner at the age of 7, that truly sparked his passion for rap music. As soon as he learned to write, he began writing mini raps, marking the beginning of his musical journey.

Musical Style and Influences

Bronca’s music is a personal interpretation of the reflection of society, incorporating elements of nature, introspection, and self-referential narrative. He cites artists like Divididos, La Renga, Pipi Piazzolla, Leon Gieco, and Susana Baca as influences, drawn to their authenticity and willingness to express themselves without fear of reprisals.

Industry Insights and Social Commentary

Bronca observes that the music industry is driven by what the majority of the public consumes, often influenced by current trends and fashion. While he acknowledges that there are musicians for all tastes, he notes that some themes are more popular than others. He also emphasizes the importance of artists taking a stance on social issues, though he questions the productivity of doing so in today’s environment.

In the context of today’s society, Bronca believes it is challenging to form an objective opinion due to the prevalence of misinformation and fake news. He criticizes the polarization of youth and the spread of ideas centered around individuality, personal success, and meritocracy, which can lead to the perception that politics is useless.

Artistic Expression and Criticism

Bronca’s lyrics never go unnoticed, generating both acceptance and rejection. While some may criticize his genre or lyrics, he invites them to explore other types of music. For him, music is a tool for self-expression and a means to convey his feelings and thoughts.

Online Presence

Willy Bronca is active on various online platforms, including Instagram [1[1], Spotify [2[2], and Apple Music [3[3], where fans can access his music and stay updated on his latest projects.

Willy Bronca is a talented artist who brings a unique perspective to the music industry. His commitment to social causes and struggles, combined with his genre-bending style, make him an exciting figure to watch in the years to come.



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