Harmonies of Hope: Celebrating the Courageous Volunteers of Ostra’s Flood Relief

Angels have big hands, they are an army of lives and they never get tired.”

A piece of music, entitled “invololontari angeli”, in homage to the “mud angels” in particular to those who worked to rescue and assist the population affected in the Senigalliese (Ancona) and Pesaro areas by the flood of 15 September 2022, of which Sunday will be the second anniversary.

An idea that comes from the middle school students of one of the most affected centers, Ostra (Ancona). From a workshop on poetic text in class came the song and a video clip in which the images that followed the tragic flood flow and that see the rescuers as protagonists, true mud angels.
The work was enriched with the interpretation in LIS (Italian Sign Language) of the musical text to complete the project: the curator and author of the music is Stefano Campolucci, a Conservatory graduate and director of the Orchestra Giovanile delle Marche; the interpreter is the artist Luca Cerigioni, a Conservatory graduate, an established professional and official pianist of the Orient Express.
“Water jealous of spaces transforms dreams into fears”, says the lyrics of the song that marks the terrible moments of the flood with the “sudden roar, silent roar of the river, cries of trees stretched out by the fury” and “the battle between heaven and earth that finds everyone trembling and terror, throws shreds of life on the street”. Then the angels arrive who “have big hands, they are an army of lives and they do not tire”, “a thousand hands that help us hope for tomorrow”.
“More and more frequently – recalls the curator of the project – extreme atmospheric phenomena have hit hard the territories of various Italian provinces (Marche, then Romagna and Tuscany) united by an adverse fate. In each of these situations, the presence of those who collaborated to help the affected populations was fundamental: the so-called mud angels”.
Hence the idea of ​​”bringing out the positive side of the dramatic event by highlighting the values ​​of solidarity and the tireless work of those who, involuntarily, transform themselves into angels in the eyes of those who are experiencing moments of great difficulty”. The song aims to be a “symbolic embrace and at the same time a dutiful thanks addressed to all the volunteers who in every land selflessly offer their help”.

What inspired the middle school students from Ostra to create ‌the song “Invololontari Angeli”?

“Angels Have Big Hands”: A Tribute to the Unsung Heroes⁢ of the 2022​ Senigalliese Flood

The devastating flood that ⁤hit⁤ the⁣ Senigalliese region in Ancona, Italy on September 15, 2022, left an‍ indelible mark on​ the lives ‍of its⁤ people. ⁤Two years on, the⁣ memory of ⁣that fateful day still resonates deeply, and a group of middle school ‍students from Ostra, one of the​ most affected areas, has come together to pay tribute to the unsung heroes​ of that tragic event. Their creation, a poignant piece of music entitled “Invololontari ‌Angeli” (Unwilling Angels), ⁣is a heartfelt homage​ to the⁣ “mud​ angels” who risked their lives to⁢ rescue and assist those affected by⁢ the disaster.

A Song of Hope and Gratitude

The song, ​born out of a⁣ poetry workshop in class, ⁤is a powerful expression of the emotions⁢ and experiences of those⁢ who lived through the flood. The lyrics, brought to life by the talented Stefano Campolucci, Conservatory graduate ​and director of the ⁣Orchestra Giovanile delle Marche, paint ⁢a vivid picture⁢ of the terror and chaos⁣ that unfolded that ⁢day. The⁢ song’s chorus, ‍”Angels have big‍ hands, they are an army of lives and they never get tired,” is a testament ‍to the selfless dedication of the⁣ volunteers who worked ⁢tirelessly to bring hope and relief to those in need.

A Celebration of Solidarity​ and Humanity

The project, ​which includes a video clip featuring images ⁤from the ‍flood ⁢and the rescue ⁤efforts, is a beautiful tribute to the ⁣”mud ⁤angels” who gave their all to help ​others. The ​inclusion of an interpretation in LIS (Italian Sign Language) of the musical text, performed by the talented Luca‍ Cerigioni, adds an extra layer of depth ‌and inclusivity to the project.

According to ​Stefano⁢ Campolucci, the ⁢curator of the project, “more and more frequently,⁣ extreme atmospheric phenomena have hit hard the territories of various Italian provinces… In each⁣ of⁢ these situations,‍ the presence of those who collaborated to help the affected populations was fundamental: the‌ so-called ⁢mud angels.” The song aims to be a ⁣”symbolic embrace and at the ‍same time a dutiful thanks addressed to all the volunteers who in every land selflessly offer their help.”

Honoring the Unseen Heroes

The “mud angels” referred to in the song are the ordinary people who became extraordinary heroes in the face of⁤ disaster. They are ⁢the men⁢ and women who risked their lives‍ to save others, who worked tirelessly ‌to rescue​ those ‍trapped, and who provided comfort and support to those in need. They are the unseen heroes who, without fanfare or expectation of reward, ‌gave their all to‌ help others.

A Legacy⁣ of‌ Hope

The song “Invololontari Angeli” is more ​than just a‌ tribute to the heroes of⁢ the Senigalliese flood. It is ‌a powerful reminder of⁣ the⁤ importance of solidarity, humanity, and selflessness in the face of adversity. It ​is a testament to the resilience of the human ⁢spirit and a beacon of‌ hope for those ⁤affected by ‍disasters around the world.

As we mark the second anniversary of the Senigalliese flood, we remember the lives lost, the families torn ⁢apart, and the communities ‍devastated. But we also remember ⁤the bravery, ‍the kindness, and ‍the generosity of the “mud angels” who came to​ the rescue. May their example inspire us to be better, ​to do better, and to never forget the power of human kindness in the‍ face of tragedy.

Keywords: Senigalliese flood, mud angels, ‍solidarity,⁤ humanity, selflessness, disaster ‍relief, flood rescue, volunteers, heroism, hope, tragedy, ‍Italy, Ancona.

What is the significance of the song “Involontari Angeli” in honoring the mud angels?

The Unwavering Spirit of the Mud Angels: A Tribute to Selfless Heroes

In the face of devastating natural disasters, a multitude of selfless individuals emerge to provide aid, comfort, and hope to those affected. These unsung heroes, often referred to as “mud angels,” are the epitome of human kindness and compassion. In a recent tribute, a group of middle school students from Ostra, Ancona, created a poignant piece of music, “Involontari Angeli” (Unwilling Angels), to honor the bravery and tirelessness of these everyday heroes.

The Inspiration Behind the Tribute

The song’s lyrics, penned by the students, are a heartfelt response to the devastating flood that ravaged the Senigallia and Pesaro areas on September 15, 2022. Sunday marks the second anniversary of this catastrophic event, which brought untold suffering to countless individuals. The students’ creative endeavor is a testament to the power of art to transcend adversity and celebrate the human spirit.

The Music and Its Meaning

The song’s curator, Stefano Campolucci, a Conservatory graduate and director of the Orchestra Giovanile delle Marche, skillfully crafted the melody to convey the emotional depth of the students’ words. The lyrics vividly evoke the terror and chaos of the flood, with phrases like “Water jealous of spaces transforms dreams into fears” and “cries of trees stretched out by the fury.”

However, it is the arrival of the “mud angels” that brings hope and redemption to the narrative. The chorus, “Angels have big hands, they are an army of lives and they never get tired,” is a powerful affirmation of the selflessness and dedication of these unsung heroes. The song’s message is clear: in the face of tragedy, humanity can come together to support and uplift one another.

The Symbolic Embrace of Solidarity

The “Involontari Angeli” project is more than just a song; it is a SYMBOLIC EMBRACE of solidarity and gratitude to all those who have risked their lives to help others in times of need. The curator of the project, Stefano Campolucci, aptly noted that the presence of these selfless individuals has been instrumental in mitigating the impact of extreme weather events across various Italian provinces.

The song aims to inspire a sense of community and appreciation for the tireless work of the “mud angels,” who transform themselves into beacons of hope in the darkest of times. By celebrating their bravery and dedication, we can create a ripple effect of kindness and compassion that resonates far beyond the boundaries of a single tragedy.

A Message of Hope and Gratitude

As we remember the devastating flood of 2022, “Involontari Angeli” serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of human kindness. The song is a beacon of hope, illuminating the path forward for those affected by tragedy and inspiring us all to emulate the selfless spirit of the “mud angels.”

Let us join the students of Ostra, Ancona, in paying tribute to these unsung heroes, whose “big hands” and unwavering dedication have made a tangible difference in the lives of countless individuals. As we look to the future, may we continue to celebrate the values of solidarity and compassion that define the very essence of humanity.

Optimized Keywords:

Mud Angels

Involontari Angeli






Natural Disasters

Selfless Heroes




Human Kindness


Meta Description:

Celebrate the selfless spirit of the “mud angels” who risked their lives to help others in times of need. “Involontari Angeli” is a poignant tribute to these everyday heroes, honoring their bravery and dedication with a powerful message of hope and gratitude.



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