Haritsis: “Let the followers of Maximos remember that regimes fall and parastatals are overthrown” – 2024-08-06 01:06:59

“The parliamentary majority of the government of the monitored ministers, the majority of the cover-up, rejected the opposition’s requests in order to summon Mrs. Adelinis and Mr. Zisis to the Committee on Institutions and Transparency, and also to inform the National Delegation of the conclusion of the Supreme Court” , emphasizes in his statement the president of the KO of the New Left, Alexis Haritsis.

“We didn’t expect anything different from a government that has trivialized every concept of democracy and institutional functioning of the Parliament and the Judiciary,” he comments, declaring that “if Mr. Mitsotakis thinks that the surveillance case is closed, he is wrong.” “If the government and the “dirty networks” in and around it, think that the strategy is to announce the result with a press release in the middle of the summer, they should know that they are being laughed at,” he adds.

Continuing, Al. Haritsis once again calls on the prime minister “to request the immediate convening of the Council of Political Leaders under the President of the Republic” with whom he had contact a short time ago.

“I expressed to her my strong concern about the crisis of trust of the citizens towards the democratic institutions and about the possibility that this much-lauded case will not be fully investigated”, notes Al. Haritsis, adding that he expects the progressive opposition parties “to show due maturity and support this request”.

“The hours are critical for Democracy itself in the country. A progressive front is needed, now. There is no time to waste. Let the otakusts of Megaros Maximos remember that regimes fall and parastatals are overthrown”, concludes Al. Haritsis.

A. Charitsis to K. Sakellaropoulou: The crisis of confidence feeds the Far Right

Alexis Haritsis had a telephone conversation with the President of the Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou earlier, according to sources from the KO of the New Left.

As mentioned by the said sources, the president of the KO expressed his strong concern about the crisis of trust of the citizens towards the democratic institutions and the institutions of Justice as well as about the possibility that the much-lauded surveillance case will not be led to a full investigation.

Al. Haritsis emphasized to the President of the Republic that this crisis of confidence feeds the Far Right. He emphasized that it is the responsibility of all political and state institutions and actors to put a stop to these phenomena.

The same sources recalled that Alexis Haritsis, with his statement yesterday, invited the Prime Minister to convene a Council of Political Leaders under the PtD and requested a meeting with it.

Mrs. Sakellaropoulou, however, is outside of Athens and that is why the phone call took place. Immediately, according to the sources from the KO of the New Left, after the 15th of August, a meeting between the two will take place at the Presidential Palace.

#Haritsis #followers #Maximos #remember #regimes #fall #parastatals #overthrown



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