Haris Doukas: The country must change direction

Haris Doukas, candidate for the presidency of PASOK-Movement of Change, is touring the island of Rhodes.

In his statements to the local media, Mr. Duke who was accompanied by the MP of Dodecanese, George Nikitiadis and by his local officials PASOK he referred to tourism issues, to be exact, to the need to strengthen public health in forest fires while he pointed out that the goal of his effort is the creation of a large democratic faction that will take over the governance of the country.

Haris Doukas in Rhodes

Mr. Doukas had a meeting with the mayor of Rhodes, Alexandros Koliadis and with the administration of the Labor Center of Rhodes.

In the afternoon he is going to visit the handicraft exhibition in the village of Kremasti and in the evening he will make a speech in the city of Rhodes. In his statements at the town hall of Rhodes, Mr. Doukas, according to iefimerida, emphasized the following:

“We have started our electoral campaign for the elections on October 6 to claim the leadership of PASOK – Movement for Change, and it is of great value to me, I am on your island, in Rhodes and in the tourist season, because, and unfortunately you also had a fire and I wish the two firefighters well who I understand have injuries, I hope everything is well, quickly passing and I very much want to discuss all the issues that are precisely about sustainable tourism and how our islands and the Rhodes to have a very high-quality tourist product with resilience and of course not to put too much pressure, excessively, on the natural and social resources, we call it “carrying capacity”, to be able to measure and evaluate how much we have to press and how we can increase more the tourist season and to make it more qualitative and to strengthen our infrastructures which we need, in all the islands I visit, but here too I know that it is a problem to be the first priority and I am talking about health, the hospital, the infrastructures health

Free public health for all, a necessary condition, says X. Doukas

In my program, free public health for all is a necessary condition, I say this adamantly for the NHS, because the situation is dramatic and, of course, a destination to be sustainable must have many things, but to be just a destination the health issue must be resolved. And it remains at the end, in too many areas, I think you too, with very big shortages in the hospital, in anesthetists and in basic specialties and this is something that needs to be solved immediately and of course it’s scary, it’s dramatic that 60 billion has been given about the pandemic and the energy war and, on both of these issues, we are very troubled.

Over 30 billion has been given for health issues and there needs to be a demand for doctors and all the hospitals, I think also in your area, have a terrible problem and so much more has been given for energy and we are involved in the tariffs, the green tariffs to choose and you like green, like me, you will suffer even more because they are very expensive and this shows precisely that the very large fundings coming from Europe and overall from the very large crises that we have to face are not being used, on the contrary they become super profits for a very few and a piece of cake for everyone else.

And so I come to the second very critical issue that they think concerns you as well and that is accuracy. I call it a disgrace, because the prices are explosive in fuel, I start with them and I also see by checking the prices in gasoline and at gas stations and I see that they are very high, extremely high.

I was also looking at the tickets and I saw that they are also excessively expensive, for someone to come to Rhodes both by boat and by plane and this also shows that there is a, I call it “cartelization”, which does not let the island breathe and overall the country to breathe. That is why I say that the ballot box of October 6 has national characteristics, because we are not in a period of memoranda, billions are coming and no one understands where they are going, they are rather going to some pockets and to super profits, to very few, who are getting too much many and all the rest a piece of cake, in the form of a “pass” or, let’s say, allowances, and when they give it to us, we have to applaud. And this over-concentration is rapidly driving the country to the wall.

That’s my assessment, seeing the billions that are pouring in and no one understands where they’re going. Consider that there is the Recovery and Resilience Fund, I stress this, and Resilience, which deals precisely with the issues of dealing with extreme climatic conditions, due to the climate crisis, droughts, floods, fires. And I wonder, it’s 32 billion.

How many projects have been done to deal with drought issues, water issues and its management, with dams, micro dams, reservoirs and also forest management issues with forest services to prevent fires.

You also had a dramatic story to tell from last year’s extreme fires that were extinguished at sea, and I wonder what has changed since last year, this year. It is the volunteers who I feel have taken a heavy load, precisely because of the extreme condition they experienced a year ago, but the issue is what the state is doing and unfortunately only 1% of the 32 billion has been given to resilience issues and the rest to Recovery and Resilience Fund go for, I keep saying it, for casinos, malls and green skyscrapers. And what does this have to do with durability?

That is why the country must seriously change direction. And that is why we ask and make a big call to all progressives and democrats to support our effort to create a great democratic faction that will express the social majority, its needs, its contemporary problems, to constitute the progressive governance of the next day. This is my goal, I put a lot of emphasis on our islands. I too have origins and roots from an Aegean island, but we have common problems and characteristics and I am very happy to discuss with you and to see the most critical and what you consider to be the most burning issues that concern and demand immediate resolution”.

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#Haris #Doukas #country #change #direction



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