Harald Schmidt wants to keep his vaccination status to himself

He is not a “chatterbox”: Harald Schmidt wants to keep vaccination status for himself

In a new interview, Harald Schmidt talks regarding his vaccination status and Karl Lauterbach.

© imago/Rudolf Gigler

Harald Schmidt’s vaccination status has been the subject of discussions for months. The entertainer said in an interview that he still did not want to comment on this, but asserted that he would comply with all government regulations.

In the past few months, there has been repeated speculation regarding Harald Schmidt’s possible vaccination status. New statements by the entertainer suggest that this was intentional. The 64-year-old responded to the comment that Schmidt recently managed to cause a stir with an interview in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”. “The mirror”: “Yes, I was overjoyed. Also that the good old games still work.”

“You just say that I’m not vaccinated, and I’ll leave it like that,” Schmidt said, among other things “New Zurich Newspaper” said. And further: “In the meantime I’ve thought regarding an Olaf Scholz formulation: ‘I’m on the right and sensible way to fulfill 2G.’ That leaves everything open.”

In the “Spiegel” he also left his vaccination status open when asked whether he was a “coronarebell”. However, he explains that nothing is more boring for him “than being a rebel. Of course I support all measures that are demanded. Because real chaos only arises by following orders.”

Harald Schmidt describes himself as “generally very secretive”

Schmidt also only partially complies with the request for a serious answer regarding his vaccination status: “I fulfill all certificate requests worldwide, even before they are even expressed, and always up to date. But as someone who is generally very secretive, I have to deal with you and not a chatterbox, keep my vaccination status to myself.”

“I’m absolutely not opposed to vaccination,” Schmidt said in a conversation with him in the summer of 2021 Editorial Network Germany explained. He is “just not someone who is already in front of the door in the morning when the doctor opens at 8 a.m. so that he can be vaccinated at five to eight. For those who urgently need it, I like to let the altruist hang out: ‘Take mine Dose!'”

In the “Spiegel” interview, Schmidt is no less provocative when it comes to Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach. He might well imagine that Lauterbach would come “around the corner once more” in a situation in which Corona “can’t even be found in the dictionary”. Schmidt “doesn’t listen anymore because this Rhenish whining sound is getting on my nerves”. But then he puts this statement into perspective once more: “But I think he’s right regarding everything.”




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