Happy return to school – Tamaulipas News Center

Happy return to school – Tamaulipas News Center

Children and young people are returning to school today and it is a good time, but we adults cannot back down from supporting and caring for them.

Certainly, if there is something that constitutes an annual event for parents, children, young people and teachers, it is the return to school, always full of emotions, reunions and hopes, without leaving aside efforts and sacrifices. An event of tremendous significance. Nothing less than going to learn the different disciplines of knowledge, to begin to relate and to train.

Today, the return to school is a real celebration, where students are welcomed with civic ceremonies led by principals and educational officials, as well as by authorities.

And even if you don’t believe it, my dear reader, this return to school with the start of the new school year causes economic movement for the benefit of many families who are dedicated to commerce, mainly in transportation, as vendors of food, uniforms, candy, fried foods, fresh waters and stationery stores.

Children and young people must be watched and listened to.

And not just inside, but in school environments, where so many dangers lurk.

Therefore, in terms of caring for and monitoring them, educational and security authorities must constantly work on this. Children, as well as thousands of young people, are returning to school and this should be celebrated, but we adults cannot give up on the task of caring for them, supporting them and protecting them. Happy return to school.


I recently attended a graduation ceremony for high school and university students at UDE En el Mante, where the youngest of my children received a degree in Business Administration.

Among the special guests were the presence of the mayor-elect PATTY CHIO DE LA GARZA and the Morena councilor, LUIS GERARDO MONTES VEGA.

In her message, the elected mayor thanked the students and directors of the school for the distinction, emphasizing that it is a pleasure to celebrate this important step, congratulating the parents for accompanying them on this important journey in their lives and urging the graduates not to be afraid to face new horizons.

She assured that the Transformation Project opens new gaps, so she will work to give better opportunities to young people, and now, with the support of the new president CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM, there will be, progressively, better support for education.

And I hope that this is the case, it is what is most desired, that the new municipal government does well in all aspects.

It is necessary that El Mante does not remain stagnant. Investments continue to arrive, however small they may be, but that generate jobs and economic movement. We can no longer think in a provincial way; the municipality requires vision and determination. Now it will be up to the 4T to start taking small steps for a great march towards the promised greatness in this sugarcane city.





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