Hao Pengsheng, Maolin, Li Lecheng, Zhang Zhaomin, and Zhou Bo attend conference on implementing Xi Jinping’s socialism with Chinese characteristics education in the province.

The Education Work Conference on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping’s new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics was held in Shenyang on April 6. The conference’s aim was to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech on the theme education work conference on learning and implementing Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The meeting mobilized and deployed the province’s in-depth theme education in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee. Attendees included Hao Peng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, who presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Sheng Maolin, head of the Fourth Central Steering Group, also attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Other attendees were Li Lecheng, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of the Province, Zhang Zhaomin, Deputy Head of the Fourth Central Steering Group, and Zhou Bo, Chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference.

During the conference, Hao Peng emphasized the importance of carrying out in-depth study and implementation of the theme education of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the whole party. He stated that this was necessary to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core and mobilize all party comrades to complete the central task of the party. Hao Peng also highlighted the importance of carrying out theme education as an inevitable requirement for unifying the ideological will of the whole party, promoting the active responsibility of the whole party, and comprehensively and strictly governing the Party.

Finally, Hao Peng requested that organizational leadership should be strengthened, and party committees (party groups) at all levels in the province should be carefully organized, arranged, and orderly promoted to ensure that thematic education achieves tangible results.

  The province’s study and implementation of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics theme education work conference held

Hao Peng, Sheng Maolin gave a speech, Li Lecheng, Zhang Zhaomin, Zhou Bo attended

On April 6, the province’s education work conference on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping’s new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics was held in Shenyang. The meeting thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on the theme education work conference on learning and implementing Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and mobilized and deployed the province’s in-depth theme education in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee. Hao Peng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Sheng Maolin, head of the Fourth Central Steering Group, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Li Lecheng, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of the Province, Zhang Zhaomin, Deputy Head of the Fourth Central Steering Group, and Zhou Bo, Chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference attended the meeting.


On April 6, the province’s education work conference on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping’s new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics was held in Shenyang.

Hao Peng pointed out that to carry out in-depth study and implementation of the theme education of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the whole party is to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core and mobilize all party comrades to complete the central task of the party The major deployment of the united struggle is a major deployment of the new great project of party building in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the work conference on studying and implementing Xi Jinping’s new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics, from the strategic height of the overall development of the party and the country’s cause in the new era and new journey, profoundly expounded the significance and goal requirements of carrying out the theme education. The comprehensive deployment of the theme education work provides a fundamental basis for the whole party to carry out the theme education. It is a Marxist programmatic document. Party committees (party groups) at all levels in the province must study and understand in depth, grasp the essence of the spirit, and fully implement it, guide the party organizations at all levels and all party members in the province to carry forward the great spirit of party building, keep in mind the “three musts”, and more consciously devote themselves to Chinese-style modernization The practice of Liaoning contributes to the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation.


Provincial party secretary Hao Peng presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

Hao Peng emphasized that party organizations at all levels and all party members in the province must deeply study and understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, effectively unify thoughts and actions with the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee, carry out theme education with a high degree of political consciousness, and firmly support ” Two establishments” and resolutely achieve “two maintenances”. It is necessary to deeply understand that carrying out theme education is an inevitable requirement for unifying the ideological will of the whole party, maintaining the party’s strong cohesion and combat effectiveness, constantly improving political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core maintains a high degree of unity. It is necessary to deeply understand that carrying out theme education is an inevitable requirement for promoting the active responsibility of the whole party and constantly creating a new situation for career development, to better grasp the strategic positioning of the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Liaoning, and to better grasp the overall goal of building a new Chinese-style modernization in Liaoning. The three-year action of comprehensive revitalization and new breakthroughs will be carried out in depth with the attitude of struggle and the spirit of hard work. It is necessary to deeply understand that carrying out theme education is an inevitable requirement for comprehensively and strictly governing the party and leading the social revolution with the party’s self-revolution. “Important requirements, to speed up the formation of a political ecology with beautiful mountains and rivers, Haiyan and clear rivers, and provide a strong guarantee for winning the “Liaoshen Campaign” in the new era.

Hao Peng emphasized that it is necessary to fully implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, firmly grasp the general requirements of “learning ideas, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and making new achievements”, adhere to the unity of goal orientation and problem orientation, raise standards, raise benchmarks, and work hard in New achievements have been made in solving theoretical study, political quality, ability, responsibility, work style, integrity and self-discipline, etc., and promote the in-depth development of theme education in the province with high standards and high quality. First, we must carefully organize theoretical study, and earnestly build a solid foundation of belief, supplement spiritual calcium, and stabilize the rudder of thought. Adhere to the original study, read the original work, learn the original text, understand the principles, and study comprehensively and systematically. Leading cadres at all levels should play an exemplary role, lead and promote learning, and promote grassroots learning, so as to achieve full coverage and no omissions. We must insist on applying what we have learned, combining knowledge and action, grasping and promoting with both hands. Second, we must conduct in-depth investigations and research, and encourage party members and cadres to use the party’s innovative theory to study new situations, solve new problems, sum up new experiences, and explore new laws. It is necessary to accurately determine the topic, determine the research topic in accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee, and combine the major issues and key links in the three-year action of comprehensive revitalization and new breakthroughs, and insist on solving big problems with small cuts. It is necessary to improve the research method, go straight to the problem, and adopt more “four nos and two straights” methods to grasp the real situation. It is necessary to pay attention to the application of results, and transform the research results into specific measures to promote the implementation of three-year action tasks for comprehensive revitalization and new breakthroughs, and into specific actions to solve the problems of revitalization and development. Third, we must unswervingly promote high-quality development. It is necessary to anchor the annual goals and not relax, correctly handle the major relationships between speed and quality, development and safety, development and environmental protection, development and epidemic prevention, and continuously improve the systemic, holistic and synergistic nature of promoting high-quality development. It is necessary to continue to optimize the business environment, make every effort to create a market-oriented and internationalized business environment ruled by law, and focus on building a pro-Qing government-business relationship. We must work hard to improve people’s livelihood and well-being, insist on opening the door to education, listen to the opinions and voices of the masses, solve outstanding problems in the field of people’s livelihood, and let the people feel real changes. Fourth, we must carefully examine the problems of rectification and reform, conduct party analysis from the aspects of politics, ideology, ability, style, and discipline, dare to face problems directly, and have the courage to correct mistakes. It is necessary to thoroughly identify and verify problems, adhere to high standards and strict requirements, and carry out rectification and rectification in a solid manner. It is necessary to hold democratic life meetings and special organization life meetings well, and conduct criticism and self-criticism well. Fifth, we must establish and improve the rules and regulations, fix the good experience and good practices in thematic education in the form of the system, and start from the system to prevent problems from rebounding.

Hao Peng requested that organizational leadership should be strengthened, and party committees (party groups) at all levels in the province should be carefully organized, carefully arranged, and orderly promoted to ensure that thematic education achieves tangible results. To consolidate leadership responsibilities, party committees (party groups) at all levels must effectively shoulder the main responsibilities, and the main responsible comrades must earnestly perform the duties of the first responsible person, personally plan, direct, and supervise. It is necessary to strengthen supervision and guidance, and the provincial party committee’s tour steering group must strictly supervise and guide, guide and supervise, and promote the resolution of problems. It is necessary to strengthen classified guidance, focus on targeted policy implementation, and promote the theme education of provincial-level organs, provincial-administered enterprises, and provincial-administered colleges and universities. It is necessary to achieve practical results, insist on focusing on the center and serving the overall situation, closely combine the development of thematic education with the implementation of the three-year action of comprehensive revitalization and new breakthroughs, and combine with the promotion of the center’s work, so as to promote the enthusiasm of party members and cadres to learn and work. A strong motivation to overcome difficulties and start a business. It is necessary to create a good atmosphere, in-depth publicity and interpretation of the significance and target requirements of carrying out thematic education, combined with the implementation of the three-year action of comprehensive revitalization and new breakthroughs, to comprehensively demonstrate the new progress and achievements of various undertakings in our province.

Sheng Maolin pointed out that it is necessary to improve political standing, earnestly study, deeply understand, and accurately grasp the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the theme education work conference, and deeply understand the great political, theoretical, and practical significance of carrying out theme education. Education guides the masses Party members and cadres unify their thoughts and actions into the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, deeply understand the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, strengthen the “four consciousnesses”, strengthen the “four self-confidence”, and achieve the “two maintenances”, More consciously maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of ideology, politics, and actions, further sort out, study, and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions to Liaoning, conduct in-depth investigations and research, and do a good job in rectifying problems. Focus on promoting high-quality development, and strive to achieve new progress and new results in implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and important instructions. It is necessary to deeply understand and accurately grasp the general requirements of “learning ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and making new achievements”, carefully plan and promote the work of thematic education, combine thematic education with focusing on the center and serving the overall situation, and focus on fulfilling the tasks assigned by the Party Central Committee. Finding gaps in the responsibilities and tasks of the Party Central Committee and grasping the implementation will provide a strong impetus for promoting Liaoning’s comprehensive and strict party governance to in-depth development, promoting high-quality economic and social development, and completing central tasks. We must keep an eye on the fundamental task of thematic education and promote its implementation. All work arrangements, all promotion measures, and all work requirements must be carried out around the main line of the fundamental task, so as to promote the deepening and solid implementation of thematic education. It is necessary to promote the implementation around specific goals, and focus on solving outstanding problems in theoretical study, political quality, ability, responsibility, work style, integrity and self-discipline, etc., consciously benchmarking and timely correcting deviations in the process of formulating measures and promoting implementation To ensure that the theme education is not deformed or out of shape. It is necessary to promote the implementation of key measures, highlight the key points, grasp the key points, make overall plans and promote them as a whole, and integrate theoretical study, investigation and research, promotion of development, inspection and rectification, and establishment of rules and systems, organically integrated and integrated. The steering group will conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and important instructions, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee, in-depth understanding of the situation, put forward work suggestions, discover and summarize typical examples, and work with the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee to promote thematic education to achieve solid results.


Sheng Maolin, head of the Fourth Central Steering Group, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Member of the Fourth Central Steering Group, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, member of the Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee, the Provincial Government, and the Provincial Political Consultative Conference Leadership Team, the President of the Provincial Court, the Chief Prosecutor of the Provincial Procuratorate, some provincial veteran comrades, members of the leadership team of provincial units, stationed in Liaoning Comrades in charge of some public institutions in the central government, state-owned enterprises managed by the province, and members of the leadership team of colleges and universities attended the meeting at the main venue.

The meeting will be held in the form of video conference, and each city, county (city, district) and Shenfu Demonstration Zone will set up branch venues.

In conclusion, the province’s study and implementation of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics theme education work conference held on April 6 in Shenyang was a crucial event in mobilizing and deploying the province’s in-depth theme education. Provincial party secretary Hao Peng stressed the importance of carrying out theme education to improve political judgment, comprehension, and execution, promote active responsibility, and comprehensively and strictly govern the party. The meeting emphasized the need to anchor annual goals and improve the business environment and people’s livelihood, while identifying and rectifying problems through democratic life meetings and special organization life meetings. Overall, the province’s commitment to studying and implementing Xi Jinping’s new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics reflects its dedication to contributing to the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation.



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