Haniya’s death and Iran’s threats against Israel… Are things as they seem? 2024-08-03 22:21:00

of Dr. Anna Konstantinidou*

Just a few 24 hours ago, when the death of Haniya was announced, many analysts of International Politics and Geopolitics believe that the way the leader of the terrorist organization was killed, in fact, there was a direct “undermining” of the sovereignty of a State, as the terrorist was not killed in unorganized entity or in some hideout on the other hand Iran offered him political asylum. And under this framework, Iran, supported by Russia, China and Algeria, appealed to the UN Security Council, asking for the condemnation of Israel.

The question that arises, and concerns both the leaders of the Iranian regime and the analysts, is: “who violated Iran’s sovereignty?”. Has there been any state that has taken responsibility for the killing of the Palestinian terrorist? And since both from Iran and from the analysts, as we mentioned, either directly or indirectly, reference is made to Israel, that it is behind the strike, the point is that there is no evidence to show that this particular – apart from among others – a criminal was hit by a rocket launched by Israel on the one hand, on the other hand the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu in his speech to the Israeli people yesterday did not mention the death of Haniya, that it was the result of Israeli fire. So what violation of sovereignty is being talked about, entering the framework of responsibilities Israel? Are things not as they seem? And who tells us that the death of the Palestinian terrorist was not caused by “friendly fire”?

And why do I put this particular parameter, which for some seems even unimaginable? Because the victory in the Iranian elections of the moderate Pezheskian a few weeks ago, although nothing is done without the approval of the Revolutionary Guards, is anything but proof that the Khamenei system is pleased with this particular development. And that’s because his political protégé, Said Jalili, lost by a wide margin to the new president, Pezeskian.

Khamenei, as reported by the news agencies, yesterday in a public speech ordered Iran to immediately strike Israel, after the death of Haniya Let’s keep this, and after the death of Haniya on Iranian soil, but also after the accident of Raishi the May. That something rotten exists in the kingdom of Denmark… and I mean in Iran, where anything but Revolutionary Guards and Khamenei are on the same side (now)…

… and the thing will soon become clear, if what we write is on the border of speculation and for some conspiracy, as after the death of Haniya, there will be a continuation of the activity of the Hamas organization, but through the way the terrorism controlled by Iran (Houthis, Hezbollah, Hamas, and even the Muslim Brotherhood) will show which Iranian leadership each terrorist organization takes orders from.

April and the blow that Iran received, essentially exposing it to the International Community, that it is anything but a State with serious defense equipment, the only thing is certain, it broke the state edifice, just as the mullahs “built” it with the military leadership (Revolutionary Guards) in 1979. What I write about sabotage by the Iranians themselves may be conjecture (for now), but events as they unfold within the Iranian political establishment prove this to be a likely condition.

So which Israel, which sovereignty did it violate?(!)

And let’s say something else that analysts were quick to target Israel for this specific action. Both the US, in the way it positioned itself in favor of Israel, that it would stand by it in the event of Iranian action against it, and the UN Security Council itself at its meeting yesterday, not taking a position on the incident of Haniya’s death and the alleged violation of the sovereignty of the Iranian State, proves something, that the usual suspect is anything but the aggressor, in this case.

And one last thing, if Israel was “interested” in violating the sovereignty of States, it had and has the means and ways to do so. On the contrary, what it proves, either in an orthodox way or in an unorthodox way, is that the Israeli State is only interested in securing its own territorial sovereignty.

On the contrary, the States that are currently standing against Israel, i.e. Iran, Turkey and Russia (and especially the last two), their Political and Diplomatic History is full of events that violate International Law, they violate the sovereignty of state formations by invading of in them.

* Anna Konstantinidou is a Historian-Internationalist, Doctor of Public Law & Political Science of the AUTH School of Law, Scientific Associate of the AUTH, teaching at the Higher Interdisciplinary School of War (ADISPO) and the School of National Defense (SETHA).

#Haniyas #death #Irans #threats #Israel..



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