Hang in there, the energy crisis will last: no return to normal before 2025… at best!

Prices will remain very high for many months to come, whether for oil, gas or electricity.

The energy crisis continues to cause damage, and we will have to get used to it. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is getting bogged down and is even taking on dramatic proportions, given what happened in Boutcha. This Wednesday, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, made strong remarks with regard to Russia. According to him, the European Union will have to take “sooner or later” sanctions on Russian oil and gas. He also denounced the “crimes against humanity“perpetrated in Boutcha”and many other cities“in Ukraine.

A sentence that resembles many others heard in recent weeks. But do without Russian gas or oil, is it realistic? “It’s very simple, we would have to build 200 nuclear power plants or 150,000 wind turbines in Europe to be able to do without Russian gas.says Damien Ernst, energy specialist and professor at the University of Liège. Whether for oil, gas or electricity, prices will remain very high for a few years, that’s for sure.

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