Handkes “Wintertagtraum” | MI | 18 01 2023 | 11:05

Peter Handke has been living in the small town of Chaville, south-west of Paris, for more than 30 years. The first text that was written here in 1990 was Handke’s “An attempt on a successful day”. Impressed by William Hogarth’s “Line of Beauty and Grace” in a self-portrait of the painter, inspired by a “lime-white vein” in a granite stone from Lake Constance on his desk and marveling at the sinuous course of the suburban line between the Seine hills, Handke “begins the almost dismissed idea of ​​the “successful day”” and “attempting to describe, or list, or narrate the elements and problems of such a day”. Handke wrote this essay when he was in his late 40s. His “Attempt about a successful day” is a form of self-questioning and reflection on one’s own life practice. We also find here what he won the Nobel Prize for decades later – the exploration of the periphery and the specificity of human experience through poetic means. Significantly, Handke’s essay also has the subtitle: “A Winter’s Daydream”.

Presentation: Kurt Reissnegger




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