Han Kuo-yu’s Potential Role as Vice Chairman of the KMT Sparks Attention and Debate

2023-10-13 07:26:58

Whether former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu will take over as Vice Chairman of the Kuomintang has attracted much attention. He said todayFacebookThe article stated that the reason why I stand up at this moment is that I am concerned about whether the two sides of the Taiwan Strait can seek peace, and I am worried about whether the opposition camp can concentrate its efforts to complete the integration; politics can be relaxed, and personal status and related disturbances are of no consequence.

Whether former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu will take over as vice chairman of the KMT has attracted much attention. He posted on Facebook on the 13th that he was standing up for cross-strait peace and opposition integration at this time, and that his personal position was irrelevant. (Picture taken from Hanguoyu Facebook

Recently, Hanguo-yu first met with Ke Wenzhe, chairman of the Kuomintang Party, and then participated in the battle blue press conference held by Zhao Shaokang, chairman of China Broadcasting Corporation. He shared the stage with Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi. His frequent actions attracted attention. Kuomintang chairman Zhu Lilun recently called Hanguo-yu He is an important member of the Kuomintang and said that some time ago, Han Kuo-yu was invited to serve as the vice chairman of the Kuomintang. In an interview yesterday, he even pointed out that he had been discussing with Han Kuo-yu for several months. In fact, some friends gave him advice a few months ago. , Han Guoyu took the initiative to mention this matter to him, and he very much welcomed Han Guoyu to serve as a “barrel hoop” together.

Han Kuo-yu said via Facebook this afternoon that the reason why he stood up at this moment is that when the Taiwan Strait is on the verge of war, whether the two sides can seek peace and avoid the danger of war; what worries the opposition Can the camp concentrate its efforts to complete the integration, unite and focus on removing the corrupt DPP and achieving the goal of party rotation? What is considered is how to benefit the country and the people and create a future where the next generation of the Republic of China can live and work in peace and contentment.

Han Guoyu pointed out that politics can be relaxed, and personal status and related issues are irrelevant. If everyone agrees with the value of this concept, he sincerely invites everyone to join the procession. Everyone carries the stone and sings. Next year, with high morale, they will sing the triumphal song of welcoming unity and winning the glorious battle.

Han Guoyu also mentioned that when he attended the “Battle Blue” press conference organized by Zhao Shaokang and former Kuomintang Vice Chairman Hao Longbin that day, he used the words “singing with a rock on his back, thankless” to describe Zhao and Hao who had to worry about being punished for their efforts. Despite criticism, he still chose to fight to the end without hesitation. This is actually a reflection of his recent state of mind and inner worries.

Han Guoyu said that he is a Buddhist practitioner. Master Hongyi once said that the world seen with the naked eye is all fame and wealth; the world seen with the heavenly eye is filled with endless reincarnation; the world seen with the Dharma eye is all cause and effect; the world seen with the wisdom eye is all illusion; the world seen with the Buddha’s eye is full of compassion. Along the way, he adhered to the Buddhist admonitions about pursuing worldly fame, wealth, and power. Every decision he made was to benefit others, do good deeds, and accumulate virtue. He must not fall into the trap of greed for fame, wealth, and power. In the muddy abyss.

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