Hamburg: “Magical and humorous” – Comedy about Jewish life delights audience

“Sugar miracle (C)hanuk(k)a(h) kosher mishpoke” thrilled the audience at the Hamburg Kammerspiele. Actress Sandra Quadflieg took on a leading role.

Hamburg – Culture lovers were drawn to the premiere at the Hamburg Kammerspiele. The staged reading “Zuckerwunder (C)hanuk(k)a(h) kosher Mischpoke” by Giorgio Paolo Mastropaolo, inspired by the works of Loriot and Ephraim Kishon, was completely sold out.

Sewan Latchinian (63) and Sandra Quadflieg (45) played the main roles of a married couple. © Jerzy Pruski

Actor Sandra Quadflieg (45, “The Rescue Pilots”) took on one of the leading roles alongside Sewan Latchinian (63).

In the play, the two play a married couple. The focus of the reading is on the humorous communication problems of everyday life in a Jewish family, which are portrayed in a universally understandable and humane way.

For the Jewish festival of lights, Hanukkah, the couple is cheerful and happy on stage. The atmosphere created in the hall allowed the audience to immerse themselves in the warm and intimate world of the characters.

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Among them were prominent guests such as writer Peggy Parnass (96), who described the play as “magical and humorous”. Dr. Claus Hagenbeck (83) also praised the performance. “It was not just a reading, but also great acting,” said the veterinarian and laughed: “When you’ve been married for 58 years, you recognize some scenes.”

Also in the audience was the “Germany’s Next Topmodel” well-known make-up artist Boris Entrup (46), who did not miss the performance.

Humorous scenes delight the audience

Make-up-Artist Boris Entrup (46, "Germany's Next Topmodel") was among the guests at the premiere.

Make-up artist Boris Entrup (46, “Germany’s Next Top Model”) was among the guests at the premiere. © Jan Karl

Quadflieg is also enthusiastic about her role in the play. After the performance, she explained how she prepared to be as authentic as possible. “I’m not Jewish myself and I got a lot of tips from the author for the role. I love the author’s humor. There’s a special humor in every sentence.”

Kristina Tröger, President of the Club of European Businesswomen, praised her performance highly. In her eyes, Sandra Quadflieg’s acting performance was particularly highlighted by the reference to Kishon. “Magnificent spoken theatre!”

Jürgen Hunke, owner of the Hamburg Kammerspiele, was delighted with the successful evening and the large number of visitors. Author Mastropaolo gave a preview before the reading and promised: “If the audience is enthusiastic, the play could be performed as a real play in December for Hanukkah.” The sold-out evening will certainly have put him in a positive mood in this respect.

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“Sugar Miracle” is an eight-parter to suit Hanukkah (the eight lights), explained the author, who also likes to work with them in Hamburg would celebrate further premieres. The piece will also be performed in Vienna in the future, MünchenZurich and Berlin.



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