Hamas Expresses Interest in Ceasefire, Revealing Crucial Conditions

Gazans carry victims of Israeli attacks. (Al-Jazeera Doc)

Palestinian resistance group Hamas on Wednesday (11/9) stated that it is ready to implement an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip based on a plan proposed by United States (US) President Joe Biden earlier this year.

In a statement issued after a meeting between Hamas negotiating teams, in the Qatari capital, Doha, Hamas reiterated its rejection of any new conditions added to the deal.

The meeting in Doha was attended by Hamas chief negotiator Khalil al-Hayya, Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, and Egyptian intelligence chief Abbas Kamel.

Biden said in May that Israel had proposed a three-phase deal to end the violence in Gaza and ensure the release of hostages held in the coastal territory. The proposed deal would include a ceasefire, a hostage-prisoner exchange and reconstruction of Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has insisted on maintaining a military presence along the Philadelphia Corridor, saying it is a lifeline for Hamas to re-arm.

The corridor, a demilitarized zone along Egypt’s border with Gaza, has been a key sticking point in negotiations between Israel and Hamas.

For months, the U.S., Qatar and Egypt have been trying to reach a deal between Israel and Hamas to secure a prisoner exchange and a ceasefire and allow humanitarian aid into Gaza. But those mediation efforts have stalled as Netanyahu has refused to meet Hamas’ demands for an end to the fighting.

Israel has continued its brutal assault on Gaza since its initial offensive in October last year despite a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire. Nearly 41,100 people, mostly women and children, have been killed and more than 95,000 injured, according to local health authorities.

The Israeli offensive has displaced nearly the entire population of the territory amid an ongoing blockade, and has led to shortages of food, clean water and medicine. Israel faces charges of genocide at the International Court of Justice over its actions in Gaza. (Ant/Z-2)

#Hamas #Ready #Ceasefire #Conditions

⁤ What are the‍ main attributes of the `

`‍ element in HTML?

‍ I apologize, but it seems like you provided an ⁤HTML code ⁣for an article about Hamas and a ceasefire⁢ in the Gaza Strip, rather than a topic related to HTML’s


However, I can provide a comprehensive ⁣and SEO-optimized article on ‍the topic of

in HTML:


Element in HTML: A ⁣Comprehensive Guide


element is one of the most⁤ widely used elements ‍in HTML, providing a generic container for grouping elements and applying⁢ styles, layouts, and behaviors to a section of a⁢ web​ page.

What is​ the ⁤



⁢element is ⁤a ⁣block-level ‌element that represents‍ a generic container for flow content. ‌It is a non-semantic element, ‌meaning ⁤it does not provide any inherent ⁢meaning or structure to the content it contains. Instead,⁢ it ⁢relies on CSS to define its layout, styling,⁢ and​ behavior.

Usage of‌ the



‌ element is⁢ used ⁢to group elements together ‍to apply styles, layouts, or behaviors to a section ⁢of a web page. It is often used to‌ create a container for a section of content, such as a header, footer, ⁤sidebar, or⁤ main content area.

Example of Using the



This is a header section.

In this ​example, the

element is‌ used to⁤ group‍ the


‌ elements together, applying a class of “header”‌ to the container.

Attributes of the



element has several ⁣attributes that can ⁢be used to customize its behavior and styling:

class: Specifies one ⁢or more classes for the element.

id: Specifies a unique ID for ⁤the element.

style: Specifies inline styles for the element.

title: ⁤Specifies ‍a tooltip or advisory text for the element.

Styling the

Element with CSS

The ⁣

⁤ element can ‍be styled using CSS to change its layout,⁣ colors, fonts, and other visual properties. For example:

div {

background-color: #f2f2f2;

padding: 20px;

border: 1px solid #ccc;


This CSS rule sets the background⁢ color, ⁣padding,⁤ and border for all⁤

elements on the ‌page.

Best Practices⁣ for Using the


Use the

element sparingly, as ‍it can make the ‌HTML structure less semantic and ​more difficult​ to maintain.

Use CSS to ⁢apply styles and layouts to ⁤the

element,‍ rather than relying on inline styles or⁣ presentational HTML attributes.

Use meaningful class names and IDs to⁣ identify⁤ the ⁤purpose of the⁤

element and make it ⁣easier ​to style‍ and maintain.


The ‍

element is a versatile​ and widely used ⁣element in HTML, providing a generic container for grouping elements‍ and‌ applying styles, ​layouts,‍ and behaviors to a ⁤section of a ⁤web page. By following best practices and using⁤ CSS to style⁤ and layout the

element, developers can create more semantic, maintainable, and accessible web‍ pages.

SEO Keywords:


HTML container ⁤element

Styling the

element ​with CSS

Best practices for ⁣using ‌the


Semantic ‌HTML structure

* Accessible web design

What are the best practices for using the `

` element in HTML?

I apologize for the confusion earlier. It seems like you provided an HTML code for an article about Hamas and a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, rather than a topic related to HTML’s


However, I can provide a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of

element in HTML, as per your original request.


Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


element is one of the most versatile and widely used elements in HTML. It is a generic container element that can be used to group together other HTML elements and apply styles, layouts, and behaviors to them. In this article, we will explore the main attributes of the

element, its uses, and examples of how to use it effectively.

What are the Main Attributes of the

Element in HTML?


element has several attributes that can be used to customize its behavior and appearance. Some of the main attributes of the

element include:

id: This attribute is used to assign a unique identifier to the

element, which can be used to target it with CSS styles or JavaScript code.

class: This attribute is used to assign one or more class names to the

element, which can be used to apply CSS styles or JavaScript behaviors.

style: This attribute is used to apply inline CSS styles to the


title: This attribute is used to provide a tooltip or a title for the


lang: This attribute is used to specify the language of the content inside the


Uses of the



element can be used in a variety of ways, including:

Grouping elements: The

element can be used to group together other HTML elements, such as headings, paragraphs, images, and links, to create a section or a container.

Applying styles: The

element can be used to apply CSS styles to a group of elements, such as background colors, borders, and padding.

Creating layouts: The

element can be used to create complex layouts, such as grids, columns, and rows, using CSS styles and positioning.

JavaScript behaviors: The

element can be used to add JavaScript behaviors, such as hover effects, click events, and animations, to a group of elements.

Examples of Using the


Here are some examples of using the


Simple container:


Paragraph of text

Applying styles:


Paragraph of text

Creating a grid layout:

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3


element is a powerful and versatile element in HTML that can be used to group elements, apply styles, create layouts, and add JavaScript behaviors. By understanding its attributes and uses, web developers can use the

element to create complex and dynamic web pages.



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