Hamas and the Islamic Jihad took responsibility for the attack in Tel Aviv; Increased vigilance in Gush Dan

Hamas and Islamic Jihad accepted responsibility for the suicide attack in the Hatikva neighborhood in Tel Aviv last night (Sunday), in which the terrorist, a 50-year-old resident of Yosh, was killed and a 33-year-old man was injured. Hamas claimed that the attempts will continue as long as the war and the assassinations continue.

PreviousThe scene of the attack in the Hatikva neighborhood in Tel Aviv, photo: Yossi Zeliger The scene of the attack in the Hatikva neighborhood in Tel Aviv, Photo: Yossi Zeliger The scene of the attack in the Hatikva neighborhood in Tel Aviv, the day after, Photo: Yossi Zeliger The day after the attack in the Hatikva neighborhood in Tel Aviv, photo: Yossi Zeliger The scene of the attack in the neighborhood Hatikva in Tel Aviv, Photo: Yossi Zeliger The scene of the attack in the Hatikva neighborhood in Tel Aviv, Photo: Yossi Zeliger The scene of the attack in the Hatikva neighborhood in Tel Aviv, the day after, Photo: Yossi Zeliger The day after the attack in the Hatikva neighborhood in Tel Aviv, Photo: Yossi Zeliger The scene of the attack in the Hatikva neighborhood in Tel Aviv , photo: Yossi Zeliger Next

The confirmation that this was an attack, carried out by a powerful explosive device led to the raising of alertness and extensive scans by the security forces all over the Dan block.

After the explosion there was a situation assessment, at the end of which it was decided to raise the alert. The following morning, damage can be seen, when damage was recorded to a truck parked nearby.

The police announced this morning (Monday) that the explosion last night in the Hatikva neighborhood in Tel Aviv was an attack carried out using a powerful explosive device.

Leonid, the scooter rider who was injured yesterday said: “I remember there was a flash and even now I see it. I have several holes in my body and they are doing some more surgery. I didn’t see the terrorist walking and I was driving fast. I flew off the scooter. I was sure it was gas cylinders. I saw explosions But it was with fire and a million pieces. I drove a few more meters and realized that one soldier helped me and called the MDA. Now it’s hard for me to breathe and it hurts.”

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