Halo Infinite: progression, Infection… full details on Season 4! | Xbox One

2023-05-19 20:47:20

With Halo Infinite Season 4 releasing just weeks away, 343 Industries has decided to give the community some airtime. Thus, the studio has lifted the veil on new features to come, some of which have been expected for a very long time!

The infection is coming at launch!

Teased for many months already, the Infection mode will finally sign its return to the license. In view of the first artwork officially unveiled and the previous cutscenes to be discovered in game, there is no longer any doubt that the actions of the Spartans will come from their corrupt AI.

As in previous games, the infected can be expected to play with an energy sword, while the survivors will attempt to defend themselves with the Bulldog before joining the ranks of the corrupted AIs.

Either way, the Infection will be available at the launch of Season 4.

Progress is finally coming!

Also, the studio spoke about the multiplayer progression system. If it is quite incomprehensible that the title came out without this basic functionality in a game of its kind, 343 Industries is finally preparing to deliver it in the weeks to come!

Indeed, it has been confirmed that it will accompany the launch in season 4 and that it will rely on military ranks.

The system also leaked earlier this month, revealing 270 ranks and tiers through Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond and Onyx. You can find out more on the Twitter of Bathrobe Spartan.

A Plaza remake and cross-core details

This exchange session between the developers and the players made it possible to learn that a forged remake of Plaza will arrive during the season. This map should bring back some memories to those who have tried Halo 5: Guardians multiplayer.

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This airtime also revealed some details about cross-core and cross-weapon. Indeed, all appearances unlocked from season 4 will be affected. Be careful, however, since those obtained before will not be compatible although the teams continue to work on the subject. Regarding the pieces of armor, it will still be necessary to be very patient.

Finally, 343 Industries has confirmed that they are not in active development on adding assassinations and playable Elites. If this news might disappoint you, perhaps the announcement of a Bonus XP Weekend from June 2-4 will comfort you.

Season 4 should continue to reveal more in the coming weeks since it will begin on June 20.

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