Halo Infinite Forge: The Ultimate Tool for Infinite Creativity and Endless Possibilities

2023-12-18 01:26:46

Forge was one of the things that was missing when Halo Infinite launched in 2021, but was finally added last year. It immediately became very popular because 343 Industries really provided a handy tool with almost endless possibilities, and it has been enhanced and built upon even more since then.
The importance of Forge today to the Halo community has now been revealed in the final post before the holidays at Halo Waypoint Revealed on , 343 Industries revealed some very fascinating statistics:

• Forge has created 2.3 million unique maps since its launch last year.
• Since the launch of the mode, 3.2 million hours of custom games have been played on the Forge map (approximately 7.2 million games!)

• As of February 2023, 44 new community maps have been added to our official matchmaking playlists, including Quick Play, Super Carnival, Husky Assault, Squad Battles, Doubles, Halo 3 Fuel, Firefight: KOTH, and more.

It’s almost hard to imagine Halo without Forge today, and luckily, 343 Industries promises these tools will get more updates in 2024.

#million #Forge #maps #created #Halo #Infinite

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