Halloween: What is it – How is it celebrated in Greece – What do pumpkins have to do with it?

Halloween: What is it – How is it celebrated in Greece – What do pumpkins have to do with it?

Halloween is celebrated every year on the night of October 31 and is the “Day of the Dead” as the word translates.

Where did Halloween begin?

For centuries the celebration of Halloween was limited only to Ireland and Scotland, in the 19th century Irish and Scottish immigrants brought the celebration of Halloween to North America, while from the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century due to the American influence the celebration it has also extended to countries that have nothing to do with the Anglo-Saxon world.

Of course, on Halloween, children dress up in scary costumes and visit houses collecting lots of sweets, known as “trick or treat”.

Also, the pumpkin is a symbol of the holiday. Also, people play pranks, light fires, watch movies with relevant themes or visit “haunted” attractions.

What are we celebrating?

The name Halloween comes from All-hallow-even means: eve of the feast of All Saints. A key feature of the celebration are lanterns made from real pumpkins, on which terrifying human features are made. During Halloween it is said that the souls of the dead wander the Earth. The dead “walk” among us looking to enter the body of someone alive and thereby gain immortality.

Where did the custom of pumpkins begin?

People believed that on that day the dead returned to their homes, that’s why they wore scary costumes and lit fires in order to chase away the evil spirits. Little by little, the celebration came to include carved pumpkins or Jack-o’- Lantern. This is the name of the famous symbol of Halloween, the orange pumpkin which is emptied of its flesh so that only the outer shell remains on which eyes, nose and mouth are finally carved. Small reso candles are inserted into the now hollow pumpkin that resembles a head and the vegetable turns into a lantern ready to decorate the house and put its occupants in the festive mood.

The first Jack-o’-Lantern however was not a pumpkin but, according to an Irish legend, a man named Stingy Jack. Specifically, the myth talks about a drunken blacksmith who invited the devil for a drink and then tried to trick him and charge his bill. When Jack died, he was not accepted into either heaven or hell (for obvious reasons). So he was condemned to roam the earth forever with his only companion a turnip lantern lighting his way. Yes, turnip!

In the 19th century Scots and Irish people began using turnips, carved with scary faces to keep the wandering Jackass away from their homes. Scottish immigrants to America continued the tradition by carving local pumpkins instead of turnips. And that’s how pumpkin carving became a custom!

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#Halloween #celebrated #Greece #pumpkins

html coding does not allow for​ lists using bullets. all lists ​have to be numbered.

It looks like the code snippet you have shared is part of a JavaScript script that integrates various advertising and analysis services ⁤onto a webpage. However, several ⁣parts of the script are incomplete,⁤ and it ‌uses placeholders for specific URLs and functionalities, possibly for security or privacy reasons.

Below‍ is ​a ​brief breakdown of the main sections of the code,⁢ and ⁢I will also ⁣fill in some of the missing parts conceptually, but please ensure that any modifications to your⁣ code are compliant with the respective services’ policies and terms of use.

### ⁢Breakdown of the Code

1. ⁣**Ad Removal for Mobile**:

⁣ – This​ part checks if the current device is mobile ‌and,⁣ if so, removes specific AdSense ads to improve user experience.

2. **AdSense Slots**:

– It ‌counts the number of AdSense slots on ​the page and‍ can initiate an​ asynchronous script load for those slots, although the implementation ‍appears to be incomplete.

3. **Phaistos ​Adman**:

– This section seems to initialize an​ ad management tool with a specific `adunit`. You ​will need to specify the exact‍ parameters needed for its configuration.

4.‍ **OneSignal**:

– This initializes OneSignal, a push notification service, using a specific `appId`. This section ​appears to⁤ be complete but ‍dynamic loading logic may be needed for the⁣ script.

5. **Disqus Comments**:

– This part sets up the Disqus commenting system with configurations⁢ for the URL and identifier. However, the `src` value for the Disqus script seems to be incomplete.

6. **CleverCore**:

⁢ -​ There’s​ a commented-out⁣ section for CleverCore integration which creates and appends a script element to ‍load CleverCore’s ‍JavaScript. You need to specify its `src`.

7. **Taboola/Project Agora**:

⁢ – ⁤This section is also set up to asynchronously load scripts related to Taboola or Project Agora.

8. **Glomex, Dalecta, and Vidoomy**:

– Conditional checks⁣ for integrations with other ad services, with specific timeouts⁢ for‍ when certain‍ scripts should be loaded during the page ⁢lifecycle.

### Suggested Structure and ⁣Completeness

Here is a more ⁤organized and cleaner approach to how you may want to complete and organize your code:


// Load AdSense if applicable

function loadAdSense() {

⁣ const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);

if​ (adSenseSlots.length > 0) {




// Load ⁢OneSignal

function initializeOneSignal() {

window.OneSignalDeferred ⁢= window.OneSignalDeferred || [];

⁤OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {


​ appId:⁢ “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,

​ ​});



// Load​ Disqus

function loadDisqus() {

var disqus_config =⁣ function()⁣ {

‌ ⁣ this.page.url = window.location.href; //‌ Replace with your page’s canonical URL variable

this.page.identifier = “1554772”; // Replace with ​your⁣ page’s unique identifier variable

‌ };

setTimeout(function() {

var‌ d =⁣ document,

s = ‍d.createElement(‘script’);

‌ s.src = “https://YOUR_DISQUS_SUBDOMAIN.disqus.com/embed.js”; // Insert your Disqus subdomain

s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new Date());

⁤ (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);

}, 3000);


// Initialize all services when the actions are completed

function cmpActionCompleted() {



‍ loadDisqus();

‌ // Load other scripts as necessary


// Example of calling your function

document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, cmpActionCompleted);


### Notes

-⁢ **Error ⁢Handling**: Consider adding error handling to manage cases⁢ where ‍scripts might fail to load.

– **Dynamic‍ Script Loading**: ⁤Make​ sure your `asyncLoadScript` function correctly loads scripts asynchronously.

– **Privacy Compliance**: Ensure compliance with any relevant data privacy laws such as GDPR, especially with cookie consent.

– **URL Placeholders**: Be sure to⁢ replace the ​placeholder text (like `URL_TO_ADSENSE_SCRIPT`) with actual values ⁤needed for ​your implementation.

Make sure to test the full integration in a controlled environment before deploying it to⁢ production!

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