Halkidiki: The toy that killed the 19-year-old at the amusement park was homemade – Everything the report says

Information from Voria.gr states that the conclusion is based on the note that was submitted earlier, that is, that the fatal toy was self-made, while it had also been stitched with other components. Filing the report will speed up the prosecutor’s investigation

The police-appointed expert, Lambros Glavopoulos, delivered the report, with sources noting that the multi-page report refers to every part of the machine, where the 19-year-old lost his life, with observations about the shortcomings and problems.

The conclusion of the emergency technical control on the specific game, which was carried out at the father’s request by the TUV company that certifies amusement parks, has already been submitted to the police. And in this conclusion, according to the same Instrument, reference is made to a large number of deficiencies.

It is noted that the filing of the report will speed up the prosecutor’s investigation, as persons involved in the accident are expected to be summoned to give explanations.

Meanwhile, the mayor of Kassandra, Anastasia Chalkia, disclaims any responsibility for the continuation of the amusement park in Pefkohori, Halkidiki, where the 19-year-old tragically died. In the multi-page memorandum he submitted on Tuesday (17/09) to the criminal trial at the regional seat of the Court of First Instance in Nea Moudania, he mainly points to the police as being responsible for the continued operation of the facility, arguing that it should have made spontaneous arrests.

With phrases such as “the only controlling body in practice is the police”, “the police were obliged to initiate the self-imposed procedure” and “police control at the amusement park was insufficient”, he drops the ball on the uncontrolled situation at the amusement park in the local Kassandra police station.

The same is done by the responsible official, who provided explanations last Thursday (12/9) at the criminal court of Halkidiki at the Magistrate’s Court of Kassandreia. “The municipality is subject to the instructions of other services, such as the police,” he says, according to Voria.gr, stating that his department is unable to control.

None of them, however, answer the question of why they did not react during the whole period when they had in their hands the police document that the amusement park did not proceed with any licensing process, that is, from July 9.

As can be seen from the documents included in the case file, the municipality of Kassandra sends a letter to the businessman – owner of the amusement park on the same day that the 19-year-old lost his life, that is on August 19, asking him to explain why he has not made a notification, that is, it did not even begin the licensing process.

Regarding this document, which the mayor herself made public in interviews she gave, she says absolutely nothing in the explanations she gave. He also makes no mention of the 10,000 euro fine imposed on the owner, as revealed by the employee of the control and licensing department.

As soon as the preliminary examination is completed, the case file will be sent for evaluation to the Polygyro First Instance Prosecutor’s Office to decide if criminal responsibilities arise against the mayor.

Meanwhile, the preliminary examination investigating the criminal responsibilities of the owner of the amusement park business, the operator of the fatal game (crazy dance) and the engineer who checked it is in the final stage.

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