Halkidiki: The expert on the amusement park is revealing

Halkidiki: The expert on the amusement park is revealing

A series of failures and omissions seem to be described in the report drawn up by the expert on the accident at the Halkidiki amusement park, where the 19-year-old from Veria lost his life.

The multi-page expert report was submitted to the Police in the previous 24 hours – as was the conclusion from the extraordinary technical control conducted by a specialized company in the certification of the safety of amusement parks following a relevant request of the 19-year-old’s family – and in the next period the prosecutor’s investigation is expected to pass to the next phase with the summoning of those involved in the accident in order to be examined as suspects of committing criminal acts.

According to information, the six main conclusions reached by the expert appointed by the Authorities and included in the conclusion he signs are as follows:

1. The cause that led to the fatal event is the breakage of the metal structural elements of the cabin of the spinning machine (Crazy Dance)

2. The breakage is due to corrosion and/or aging of the metal components and was expected to occur at any time, regardless of the speed of the machine and the weight of its users

3. The failures were foreseeable and should have been discovered before the tragic incident

4. The fatal toy was self-made, with individual components and parts being stitched and assembled that provided no manufacturer’s warranty or safety standard

5. Had the machine been tested in accordance with the applicable legislation it would have been impossible to obtain a certificate of approval and the fatal incident would have been avoided

6. As the amusement park allegedly operated without prior approval or notification of operation, it follows that all its facilities are considered potentially dangerous. In the personal opinion of the expert, if the competent municipality had acted as it should have, the incident would have been prevented

“The findings of the expert opinion confirm our claims and show that the machine in question was a self-made one without any certification of suitability for operation,” the lawyers of the 19-year-old’s family, Apostolos Angelakis and Yiannis Mandraou, commented in a statement to the APE-MPE.

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#Halkidiki #expert #amusement #park #revealing



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