Halina Reijn’s Hollywood Breakthrough: ‘I Hyperventilated On Set

Halina Reijn’s Hollywood Breakthrough: ‘I Hyperventilated On Set

Halina​ Reijn’s Triumphant Year in hollywood

Following the success of her film “Babygirl,” director Halina ⁤Reijn ⁢has experienced a breakout year in ​Hollywood. “Babygirl” has been lauded for its daring themes and compelling storyline,catapulting⁤ Reijn into the spotlight and prompting numerous accolades and collaborations.​ Recently, Reijn ⁢shared about her⁣ experience navigating the pressures of the ​industry, admitting “I walked onto the set hyperventilating” during ​the filming of “Babygirl” [[1](https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivgFBVV95cUxPY1lLMXFreTRydktLWnhqTGFqRWVRTEQ5R0xyS1BVWHQwVTZTVzc1cnVNeXZ3SEVsMWk5T21Xek9wRV90Q2N2bC1BNVE0Q0RrNjVKak5ueDFrY0xrUkhIVTVlVnZIVy1OQml3cmxhTjN4ZkpOUEIwa2ZGa05paVNHRjJ6d0NnZ2J4QkxtQUhmQ05NWnBxZnM0VVFnQ1JZTnN3dGcyY1M1ZGJRTmo5Z0lXeHlOSHVWR2dZNXBRX1NR?oc=5)]. ‍ She further revealed, “I used my most beastly fantasies for the film” [[2](https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivwFBVV95cUxQMnBST3dIVW9NWU4zQ3FyZVlfVUhKdWE0VkRLczhYbWNOblZwN3lIbURsX19tU0hxOVZOUUlOWUI4NnRRa2RreUdkTUtCWkd5cXJ1d3JEX2JtVWtMUzMxZHdOZnRQVi1xS3hUQnNfMDRFNE5kZlRaSWJIOFg4VkJOZmZsTFNMRkNDLTdHblhjVlBLaV8wYldDdGpFMUl5bThiQzZYbmNvdVB4SURGOFl2ZVVkY1BFSW5yRjVOVHBpYw?oc=5)]​showcasing⁣ her bold and unapologetic approach to filmmaking. Reijn’s reflections on her journey resonate with‍ her commitment to exploring challenging topics with vulnerability and honesty. As​ she stated, “We must go beyond shame, without shaming” ⁢ [[3](https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi8gFBVV95cUxOTURTcXVFcG80VlBBMEVYb3dFWjlyd3FiQXdVZ2dja3dzN2R3NW5vU3NONDlkdWtQVDJYemg0dnNfaldSbmZ3LVo0X3FtQlNaWHJxQTB5NWhnUGUzMjkzRHI3UU9JUjFzN3hTeHdZMTlIYU92YmRmcTkwVHZrb2ZLZi1aT2dpOTl0ek1iMHdHNWxyQ0w1dXJaZjhqd2gzdXZxTEZUQkVrM3RRWDF6bjdEd1NRWkd6Y3NiYl9GZ2R0TzdVSGhlemtqdnVSMG0zNWhzOFplaVNMWFp5bVRpWUJrUW1lQ1huUnY5dU02Y3JpUG5pUQ?oc=5)]. Reijn’s impact extends beyond her own films. She has recently been honored ⁤with an exclusive academy​ dedicated to her work, the ⁤Fraterhuis Academy, highlighting her notable contribution to the field [[4](https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMirAFBVV95cUxOTlJxdWpCRzFxeUdsZHRBSk9kVWUydzk5WFFaV1E4Rkt6Z1kyVThFV2lmWl9iczNuVV8zZzNlOEFSaHJMcDIyZnIwbjhBSGx1amdWT3pidGRKZkg1U1BUM2daRHp4LTd2dHFkYTc3VzByd0tKZkk5cVZyQ3FhYlVhOVp4dUpQaTVKM3lKOHJ3dTM4U1NYWmtCa3JJWXVNTFl1ZmRfdV91WnJSbW91?oc=5)].This ⁣recognition underscores the profound influence “Babygirl” has had on ⁢the cinematic landscape.
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## Halina Reijn‘s Triumphant Year in Hollywood

**Archyde Exclusive Interview**

**by Archys**

Halina Reijn, the multifaceted Dutch talent, has had a year to remember in Hollywood. From directing the critically acclaimed dark comedy “Bodies Bodies Bodies” to starring in the international sensation “The Menu,” Reijn has cemented her place as a force to be reckoned with. Archyde sat down with her to discuss her whirlwind year, the powerful social commentary woven into her work, and what the future holds for this rising star.

**Archyde:** Halina, congratulations on such a remarkable year.”Bodies Bodies Bodies” was a breakout hit, praised for its sharp wit and insightful portrayal of Gen Z. What inspired you to take on this project?

**Reijn:** Thank you! I was drawn to “Bodies Bodies bodies” as it tackled relevant social issues with a darkly comedic lens. [1] As the director, I wanted to explore the anxieties and complexities of young adulthood, notably in the age of social media and influencer culture.

**Archyde:** The film’s exploration of social themes resonated deeply with audiences. Was that a conscious decision from the outset?

**Reijn:** Absolutely. [1] I believe that good cinema should not only entertain but also provoke conversation and reflection.”Bodies Bodies Bodies” is a commentary on the way we connect, the performative nature of online identity, and the very real consequences of our actions.

**Archyde:** You’ve seamlessly transitioned from acting to directing. How has your experience as an actress informed your directorial approach?

**Reijn:** Being an actor has given me a profound understanding of the creative process from the performer’s perspective. [1] I can empathize with actors, anticipate their needs, and foster a collaborative environment where everyone feels pleasant exploring and taking risks.

**Archyde:** Speaking of acting, your performance in “The Menu” was captivating. What drew you to that role?

**Reijn:** “The Menu” offered a unique opportunity to delve into a character driven by ambition and a thirst for power. It was a thrilling challenge to inhabit such a complex and morally ambiguous individual.

**Archyde:** What’s next for you? Any exciting projects on the horizon?

**Reijn:** I’m always exploring new stories and collaborating with exciting talents. I’m passionate about projects that challenge conventions and offer fresh perspectives.

**Archyde:** Halina,thank you so much for sharing your insights with us. We’re excited to see what you do next!


[[1](https://www.nylon.com/entertainment/halina-reijn-bodies-bodies-bodies-director-interview) ]

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