half of the population is affected by headaches

A recent study came to the following conclusion: half of the world’s population is affected by headaches at least once a year.

Headaches are more common than they seem. Half of the population would also be affected by this phenomenon. A common ailment that can however prove to be seriously disabling.

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Headaches affect more and more people

Headache is one of the most common and debilitating pains in the world. This is at least the recent finding of the study by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. For this research, the researchers examined a total of no less than 357 publications on the subject dating from 1961 to the end of 2020. The objective? know “the global prevalence of headaches” explains the report. The latter was published in the media “The Journal of Headache and Pain”. He tells us that 52% of the world’s population would have suffered from headaches during a given year, including 14% from migraines, 26% from tension headaches and finally 4.6% from headaches for 15 days or more. per month.

The study tells us that among the most impressive headaches, migraine is characterized by repeated seizures. According to Inserm, it would affect around 15% of the population. This pain can be linked to genetic factors or environmental factors.

According to research, migraines are actually…

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