Half do not know what they are entitled to from the travel company

Half do not know what they are entitled to from the travel company

On behalf of Frende Forsikring, Norstat has asked a representative selection of Norwegians whether they know what they are entitled to from the company they bought the journey from, whether it is cancelled, postponed or there is a strike.

1001 people have responded to the survey. 56 per cent of them answer that they do not know what they are entitled to, Frende Forsikring states in a press release.

– It saves the operators a lot of money and the travelers get a better experience. The public holiday is soon over and some are going home to report cases to their insurance company. Then it is important to know what you can claim. It is also useful to know once and for all what you are entitled to when you find yourself in a boring travel situation, says travel claims manager Petter Lassen.

– Contact the travel company first

It is the travel company you should primarily deal with in the event of cancellations, strikes or delays, he explains.

– They are responsible for your journey. Therefore, they are the ones you should contact first, and they should answer what they cover and when you can expect to be able to travel on, says Lassen.

He states that the company you have booked the journey with must offer a new journey, food, drink or accommodation if the delay is long enough. Alternatively, you can get the money for the trip refunded.

– Check information before departure

If the company does not cover the extra cost of cancellations or delays, it is time to contact the insurance company. The insurance does not cover delays or cancellations caused by strikes.

– Travel insurance covers accommodation and collection of your itinerary if the delay occurred due to bad weather or a technical fault and the delay is long enough, says the travel claims manager.

Lassen encourages you to check the airport’s website for information before your journey, and recommends checking the Consumer Council’s website for information on what you can get help with if something should happen.

– There you will find information about what rights you have on your particular type of travel, or what happens with package tours or hotel stays, he says.

#entitled #travel #company
2024-07-31 21:27:44



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