Halejcio went with him to the Journalist. He revealed when he earned his first million

Klaudia Halejcio she has never been someone who specifically protects her private life from the media. Her beloved, Oskar Wojciechowski, had a completely different approach at first, but recently he has been appearing on her profile more and more often. However, no one expected that they would agree to the joint interview he had just conducted with them A journalist. There were many surprising statements there.

Klaudia Halejcio and the mysterious Oskar went to the Journalist. Surprising what they revealed

During the Journalist’s two-hour conversation with Klaudia and Oskar, the topic of money and business was discussed many times. Let’s start from the beginning, because the celebrity’s partner confessed that he started his first business when he was 13. The first million was transferred to his account only a few years later.

I started my first business at the age of 13 and it was related to marketing. I still have an affiliate network and run campaigns for the largest brands in this country, in a specific area – he boasts. When I had the first million in my account, I was 20-21 years old, but that was because an Audi A8 had to come along on the way and various stories…

By the way, we learn that the last gift Oskar gave his beloved was… NFT Jimmy Choo. He explains this intriguing gift with financial benefits, because, in his opinion, it is better to buy shares than another handbag.

The last gift I gave to Klaudia was a Jimmy Choo, but they weren’t real shoes, just NFTs, i.e. coded shoes, I gave her a virtual Jimmy Choo. We try to follow and practice a slightly different approach to economics. I don’t want to buy another completely unnecessary handbag, but it would be nice to get shares – explain. This financial freedom and this freedom of spirit is one of the greatest freedoms you can have today. We don’t need to keep the 30th stripe in the drawer and, for example, have such shares on our wallet, you see in the morning, they are in a different place, and when you see these people in the queue, you see that you used to be nervous that they were standing there, what crazy people, and today you say that it’s good that they are there, because they are there for our benefit, among other things.

The rest of the article is below the video

See also: Klaudia Halejcio regarding the wedding. Will it benefit from barter cooperation?

As he claims, fate brought him together with Klaudia. He even related the story that he watched the episodes as a teenager “First Love”, in which Halejcio’s heroine was supposed to have sex for the first time. He recalls watching these scenes with his then girlfriend and silently sighing at the famous actress. Then he “visualized” her from her personality traits.

Oskar Wojciechowski talks regarding success: “People want to stay in the victim syndrome”

It mightn’t cover business-related topics and this is where it gets even more interesting. Klaudia and Oskar were not only meant to be together, but they both always believed that they were destined for success. Here we enter the areas of “visualization” and “manifesting”.

I always knew it. I remember that when I was a teenager, I found out that there is such a thing as manifestations, special techniques, I always had it in my head. I knew I was destined for success. I always programmed it and visualized it – says Klaudia.

This is so true – Oskar echoed her. If people say to themselves, “Oh, I won’t buy that car, that Porsche, because I can’t afford it.” If you say you can’t afford it, that you are poor, you will always be poor. If you tell yourself that you are rich, then you are rich.

Easy? Easy. At the same time, Wojciechowski claims that he does not want to boast regarding his wealth online, because it may have negative consequences for his businesses. He even cited an example.

I currently employ regarding 80 people. My media persona in my company doesn’t help. People on Instagram watch Klaudia. “Oh, they flew to the Maldives, great, and I have to work hard for him to fly.” They create such stories. This is incomprehensible and strange to us because the whole world works this way and it is completely natural. At the end, someone throws papers at me because they might not be able to stand certain things. He was with me for 8-10 years and I used to be absent from Instagram, but now I know what was tempting him inside. He mightn’t cope with it. He resigned because of some internal inconsistency.

There might be an argument that it is completely different in the United States, because people smile there, while in Poland they don’t. What’s more, “ordinary people” don’t want to congratulate him and Klaudia on their successes, they just envy and complain.

People want to stay stuck in the victim syndrome. People feed off of this. They don’t want to look at happy, positive people, because “I’m poor here, I’m sick here, oh my, oh my.” This is especially our Polish domain. If you go to the United States, people on the sidewalk are smiling. With us, you immediately hit a wall.

Do Klaudia and Oskar take PLN 500+ for their daughter? They dispelled doubts

Yet another thread was the question whether Halejcio and her beloved take PLN 500+ for their daughter. It turns out that they approach the matter sensibly and do not reach out for public funds because they are not in a difficult financial situation and can easily provide little Nel with everything she needs. Besides, Oskar said that 500 PLN “It wouldn’t change anything in their lives anyway”.

This is something that always puts a smile on our face (…). People always ask: “But why? They give, so you have to take.” Well, our mindset is completely simple (…) We think that these PLN 500, let’s be honest, won’t change anything in our lives. And surely others need this money more. So why should we strain the state budget because we deserve it and we will take it because everyone else takes it? This is not the answer for me – says Oskar directly.

Ten system (…) we don’t like it. If you need it, the state should provide you with this comfort – added Halejcio.

Do you also think that they should give joint interviews more often?

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Nobody gave me anything for free either. I had to inherit everything myself!

Does the son of one of the richest Poles tell us how he earned his first million and give advice? ????

View replies (24)

If it weren’t for your parents’ money, you would be driving a Golf and the only photo you would have with Halecio was from a Zlotopolski fan meeting!

seriously?! what a boorish nouveau riche banana! remember, think you are rich and money will fall from the sky

Shadow Nikarz

20 hours ago

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After all, this Oskar is a nepo baby, it’s always easiest for heirs of their parents’ fortunes to talk regarding how they need to have a positive mindset to make money (which they themselves have without even lifting a finger). Embarrassing.

Latest comments (133)

Prenup written? If not, the divorce will be spectacular! There will be something to read!

Life is one, they don’t hurt anyone, they live as they want. Great and that’s it.

what note do you give her? anyone had pleasure before becoming a celebrity?

“we are making a slyb for us”… so follow my instagram for more details…

Can he also write a sentence in Polish?

When will they leave the country? I can’t wait for this wonderful day…

Indeed, from saying every morning – I’m rich, he got up one day and it turned out that he was, of course daddy’s money had nothing to do with it, manna fell from heaven, the girl also used this technique, and she got together with a millionaire by accident, they should publish a book, I’ll be happy to read it

It’s strange to me, the guy is so rich and he talks like a car salesman; I dealt with really rich people, the guy graduated in molecular biology, MBA, also studied abroad, he founded a company, not a big one, but it grew into several companies, he employed over 500 people, his fortune was valued at PLN 66 million, but it was really nice to hear from him, nice he said, logically, with a lot of knowledge, and here… I’m sorry regarding these statements, but for me they are kind of vulgar, the fact that he doesn’t charge PLN 500 is ok, because it would be a bit of an embarrassment; I don’t know, I don’t know the person, maybe I’m being picky; there are different people, I also know the owner of several Ants near Warsaw, he is not eloquent either, and he is rich; maybe that’s the case here too..

Cool couple cheering. Not only in the USA (I don’t like the USA, not my climate, not my accent), in other European countries people also smile and congratulate you on your successes :))

But it’s embarrassing to talk regarding how much you earn, what you bought, what you have, etc. Man, it’s just disgusting.

But it’s embarrassing to talk regarding how much you earn, what you bought, what you have, etc. Man, it’s just disgusting.

I don’t trust this boy

What a stupid fashion for throwing out tongues. Disgusting


12 hours ago

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He earned it ???????????????? I guess daddy let the jokes go



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