Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry Resigns Amidst Mounting Chaos and Gang Attacks: CNN Report

The embattled prime minister of Haiti, Ariel Henry, has announced his resignation following weeks of mounting chaos in the Caribbean nation. Gangs have been launching attacks on government structures, and social order is on the brink of collapse. In a video address, Henry stated that his government would leave power following the establishment of a transitional council, emphasizing the need for peace and stability in Haiti.

The formation of a transitional council, as agreed upon by the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) during a meeting in Jamaica, aims to lay the foundations for elections in Haiti. This commitment to transitional governance is expected to ensure a peaceful transition of power, continuity of governance, and the implementation of an action plan for near-term security. The goal is to instill confidence and assure the Haitian people that their country will be governed by the rule of law.

Henry’s decision to step down comes under pressure from the United States, which has been urging a political settlement in Haiti. However, the future leadership of the country remains uncertain. One name that has been mentioned is Guy Philippe, a rebel leader who was recently deported from the US to Haiti following serving a prison sentence for money laundering.

Haiti’s current state of emergency is a result of the attack on the country’s largest prison, which led to the escape of around 3,500 inmates and the loss of lives among police and prison staff. Gang leader Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier claimed responsibility for the attack, stating that it was an attempt to overthrow Henry’s government. The situation in Haiti has been described by the UN’s human rights chief as “untenable,” with gangs now controlling 80% of the capital, Port-au-Prince.




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