“Hair splitting and nails breaking?” – experts said what element the body lacks

Deficiency of this vitamin is very unhealthy.

If in the spring you notice that you get tired too quickly, sleep poorly, your hair has turned into a bundle of straw, the condition of your nails leaves much to be desired, and extra pounds are firmly attached to your sides, then most likely you do not have enough vitamin D.

It is he who is responsible for the condition of the skin and hair, is responsible for a good mood and a slender figure. With a lack of vitamin D, depression, emotional instability and a weakened immune system are observed.

The sun will help to fill the lack of this important vitamin, since its production in the body directly depends on the sun’s rays. Also, it is necessary to include oily fish, dairy products, eggs, liver and mushrooms in the diet.

The article is for informational purposes only, expert advice is required.

Source: kubnews.ru

Photo source: freepik.com



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