Hair loss in autumn: what’s wrong with hair myths?

Hair loss in autumn: what’s wrong with hair myths?

Is it really true that more hair falls out in autumn than usual? A master hairdresser explains what’s actually true about hair myths like this one.

Quelle: imago/Shotshop

No matter whether black, brown or red: people have between 80,000 and 120,000 hairs on their head. They protect our scalp from the sun’s rays, but are also susceptible to damage themselves. You hear a lot about how to properly handle your own mane. But is all of this true or just far-fetched?

Myth 1: Washing your hair every day makes your hair greasy

Incorrect! This mainly depends on the genes. Diet and hormones also have an influence, but you cannot actively train the sebaceous glands, which are responsible for fat production.

However, with every wash, the protective acid mantle of the scalp is washed away, which repeatedly stimulates sebum production, explains Antonio Weinitschke from the Central Association of the German Hairdressing Trade. That’s why it makes sense not to shampoo your hair every day or to use a mild shampoo.

Hair care without shampoo

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A man's head in the shower, his hair is wet.

Myth 2: Salt and chlorine water damage hair

Partly true. Hair damage can occur because salt and chlorine water make hair more brittle and dull. This makes them more susceptible to friction. Salt crystals can also increase sunlight like a magnifying glass.

Blondes and those who are naturally light blonde in particular have to be doubly careful: “Depending on how strongly pools are chlorinated, this can cause a green tint in blonde hair,” says master hairdresser Antonio Weinitschke.Summer hair careWith the right care, your hair stays beautiful and well-groomed despite the sun and chlorinated water.08/30/2023 | 2:45 minutes

Myth 3: Don’t comb your hair when it’s wet

Partly true. The open cuticle layer when hair is wet can cause it to break more quickly. However, according to Weinitschke, hair can be stretched to almost half its original length when wet. This means they can withstand combing well, but of course they will eventually tear if you pull too hard – so proceed with caution.

Haarmode Germanen CCHair fashion among the Germanic people: The men made a big fuss about their hair, which they styled extensively with their all-purpose weapon, the comb. The Suebi knot was particularly popularJuly 20, 2020 | 0:47 min

Myth 4: More hair loss in autumn

True. In order to protect yourself from the stronger sun and UV radiation in summer, an above-average number of hair follicles go from the growth phase to the resting phase and then fall out after a few weeks – i.e. in autumn. The extent of hair loss is very individual.

The lost hair grows back straight away. The increased hair loss is actually a hair change that regulates itself again.

How much hair loss is normal?

Although it may seem like a lot, it is actually completely normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day. The number of hairs that fall out can fluctuate slightly depending on the season for a few weeks to a few months. However, if you notice that you are losing significantly more hair over a longer period of time, it makes sense to see a doctor to determine the cause of the increased hair loss.A surgeon in the operating room performs a hair transplant.Receding hairline? Bald? For many people, reduced hair density is genetically determined. But not everyone wants to accept that. One possibility: transplanting hair.09.05.2024 | 3:09 mins

Myth 5: More hair from shaving

Incorrect! Master hairdresser Weinitschke explains: “The hair grows in a hair follicle under the skin and you can’t get it with a knife.” Hair growth is only controlled by genetics and shaving has no influence on them.

Myth 6: Hair masks work like sunscreen

Only to a limited extent! It makes sense to protect your hair from the sun because UV radiation triggers chemical reactions in the hair keratin. This weakens the structure, makes it more susceptible to mechanical and chemical influences and increases the risk of split ends and breakage. However, hair masks with a sun protection factor do not offer as high a level of prevention as sunscreen with a factor of 50, says Weinitschke. What always protects you well: a sun hat.Woman applies sunscreen to her shoulderSun protection is important, but not all sunscreens are created equal. Stiftung Warentest examined 20 products with different sun protection factors. The results are surprising. June 19, 2024 | 2:43 minutes

Myth 7: Promote hair growth with kale or thyme

Hardly researched. Social media recommends kale smoothies or applying thyme oil to promote hair growth. However, instead of large-scale studies, there are only smaller tests, some of which show positive trends.

So you can’t say medically that it definitely works, since the positive effect could also result from those affected taking more conscious care of their bodies anyway. But one thing is certain: genetic or disease-related hair loss cannot be cured with such remedies.

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Close-up of a woman's hand combing her hairline with her fingers.

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