Hail insurance: endless storms | Austrian Hail Insurance VVaG, July 17, 2023

2023-07-17 18:59:28

Agriculture in Styria and Burgenland affected: 1.6 million euros in damage

Vienna (OTS) (Austrian hail insurance, July 17, 2023): Yesterday’s storms and especially this afternoon also caused damage to agriculture in Styria. Those are particularly badly affected Districts of Murtal and Hartberg-Fürstenfeldwhere on an area of 6,300 Hectares arable crops and the grassland as well as fruit and wine crops were harmed.According to initial surveys, the overall damage in agriculture is 1.3 million euros in the Styria. In addition, hailstorms also caused damage in the BurgenlandGüssing District, amounting to 300.000 Euro“, so Dr. Mario Winklerspokesman for the Austrian hail insurance.

Damage overview in detail – Styria:

  • Affected districts: Murtal, Hartberg-Fürstenfeld
  • Affected crops: Cereals, corn, soybean, oil pumpkin, potato, fruit and vine crops, grassland
  • Affected agricultural area: 6,300 hectares
  • Total damage to agriculture in Styria from today’s storm: 1.3 million euros


  • Affected district: Güssing
  • Affected crops: corn, grain, squash, soy, vine
  • Affected agricultural area: 300 hectares
  • Total damage in agriculture in Burgenland: 300,000 euros

Questions & contact:

Styria: Ing. Josef Kurz, short@hagel.at, M. 0664 827 20 56
Burgenland: Dipl.-Ing. Günther Kurz, g.short@hagel.at, M. 0664 281 83 75
Press spokesman: Prok. Mario Winkler, m.winkler@hagel.at, M. 0664 827 20 67, www.hagel.at

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