Hacking Attacks Target Critics of AMLO in the Midst of Judicial Reform Discussions

Hacking Attacks Target Critics of AMLO in the Midst of Judicial Reform Discussions

MEXICO CITY.- This Tuesday the Chamber of Deputieswith a Morena ‘supermajority’, began the discussion of the reform of the judiciary amid protests, criticism and a national strike by judicial workers.

In the framework of the discussions, whose venue had to be changed due to the blockage in the Chamber of Deputies, the hacking of the social media accounts of critics of the president was reported. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

AMLO critics hacked

Chumel Torres and the journalists Jorge Ramos y Karla Iberia Sanchez reported that their accounts ‘X’, before Twitterwere hacked on Tuesday afternoon.

The hacking is notable because it coincides with the start of the discussion on judicial reform and the three are known critics of President López Obrador.

In Torres’ case, his profile picture was removed and only cryptocurrency posts appeared, which have since been deleted.

At the time of writing this note there are no tweets available on the presenter’s ‘X’ account.

Hacking Attacks Target Critics of AMLO in the Midst of Judicial Reform Discussions

“My Twitter account was hacked. Don’t pay attention to anything I say.” […] I will let you know if the situation changes,” he wrote in Instagram.

Jorge Ramos also confirmed in an Instagram story that his official account on ‘X’ was hacked and all his tweets referred to portals cryptocurrencies.

For her part, journalist Karla Iberia Sánchez indicated in a video TikTok that all of his posts on ‘X’ were deleted and sensitive information about other people is being shared following a hack.

“I hope you can help me, it seems like it is very serious, they are violating my own security,” he said.

Opponents reject judicial reform

Although the accounts of Chumel Torres and at least two other AMLO opponents were hacked, the president’s other critics have not had similar problems.

For this reason, since this morning they have published messages expressing their rejection of the reform of the Judicial Branch.

Figures like Alejandro ‘Alito’ Moreno y Marko Cortesleaders of the PRI and PAN, stated that the legislators of their parties would vote against the reform.

Since yesterday, Monday, and throughout the day, several Internet users have expressed their rejection of the reform as well as the government’s reaction to the citizen protests.

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#AMLO #critics #reported #hacked #judicial #reform
2024-09-11 15:55:29



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