Haapasalo spoke about the attitude towards Russians in Finland

According to the actor, many Russians have real estate in his native country.

Ville Haapasalo. Photo: Globallookpress.com

The star of the film “Peculiarities of the National Hunt” Ville Haapasalo said that in the nineties of the last century, many Finns treated Russia with disdain, but over the years everything has changed.

As the actor noted, now the Russians have real estate in Finland. They have friendly relations with the locals. He has a dacha in Finland, and Russians live nearby, who also bought houses for themselves.

Ville Haapasalo
Ville Haapasalo. Photo: Globallookpress.com

“Quietly, peacefully, calmly, we live well. True, now let’s see where everything is going … But I always thought and still think: what is happening now in the world does not concern ordinary people, they are not involved in this.

Ville Haapasalo

Recall that Villa Haapasalo gained great fame in Russia, starring in several Russian films at once. He always speaks respectfully of our country, informs “AIF”.

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