Russia predicts: “The moment of global change has arrived”

2024-08-26 08:20:00

Today we are witnessing a great process of change world economy. The “center of gravity” of institutions, production, finance, commerce and technology is increasingly shifting to the Global South.

As the West gradually loses its monopoly financial status, the role of most countries in the world in direct investment and portfolio investment markets continues to increase. Although these changes are accompanied by serious geopolitical instability, they provide developing countries with a unique opportunity to fundamentally change their position in the international division of labor.

Their future in the new global economic system depends directly on when and how they begin to participate in its formation.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

For decades, the United States and European powers have promised aid to countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, but this has not led to the establishment of stable and independent economies. exchange their capital injection, The West controls the educational systems, human resource policies, and political decision-making algorithms of developing countries.

Food crisis is a way to maintain the power of the Golden Billion

Their cooperation with foreign partners unsuitable for their “masters” is severely suppressed, while training to comply with the unilateral restrictive measures of the collective “hegemony” is taken for granted.

More and more countries in the South realize that they cannot count on Western solutions to qualitatively increase their industrial potential and systematically increase the added value of the products they produce.

wind energy in Russia.

In fact, the “golden billion” places them in a deliberately subordinate position within a resource pool that has long relied on external financing or controlled transit jurisdiction in the global supply chains of multinational corporations.

Increasingly, countries in the South realize that they cannot count on Western solutions to qualitatively increase their industrial potential.

Occidentalists portray themselves as professional “benefactors,” constantly advocating for reforms in other countries to “promote” their development. But actually, Its goal is to control the flow of information and regulatory mechanisms that create pressure tools for policymakers to provide competitive (often non-market) favors to their own companies and to create structural imbalances in economic processes.

07_13_2024_arma_ Russia_afp_g Russiamilitary and technological strength.

Against this background, Russia has always been and will continue to be a stable and reliable trade and investment partner for most countries. Given the fragmentation of the world economy, Moscow promotes technical cooperation Ensure that all parties achieve sustainable sovereign prosperity on the basis of fairness, justice and mutual benefit.

“NATO supports war and terrorist threats”

We approved priority areas for scientific and technological development, including sustainable energy, preventive and personalized medicine, high-yield agriculture, information security, rational use of natural resources, adaptation to climate change, smart transportation and telecommunications systems.

It is important for Russian companies to use various support tools to establish cooperation with other countries. Russia is willing to establish the best mechanisms for global cooperation with interested foreign partners, especially within the framework of bilateral intergovernmental committees. Economic, commercial and technological cooperation.

“Our country is one of the founders of BRICS, a leading global integration model that provides an alternative to the Western architecture of international financial and economic relations.”

We promote a positive and constructive agenda to develop integration processes that guarantee synergies that add up to the advantages of the parties in order to Work together to overcome imbalances in the global economic system.

“Latin America and the Caribbean should now consider its main bet for development: interaction with the “Western collective” committed to promoting its own geoeconomic interests.”

Our country is one of the founders of BRICS, a leading model of global integration that provides an alternative to the Western architecture of international financial and economic relations and the payment and insurance infrastructure that serves it. Members of the Alliance are united by a common desire to develop independently based on equal access to resources, technology and capital, a rejection of unilateral coercive measures, protectionist practices and an ideology focused on multilateral cooperation.

We believe that Latin American and Caribbean countries should now think about the main bet for their development: interaction with the “Western collective” committed to promoting their own geoeconomic and geopolitical interests, or cooperation with the majority of countries around the world that advocates equal and mutually beneficial development.

The answer to this existential question will reveal the degree of willingness to end the neocolonial remnants of serfdom and choose independence and sovereignty.

*Russian Ambassador to Argentina

#Russia #predicts #moment #global #change #arrived



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