2023-04-22 19:29:00
During a report broadcast on the 1 p.m. news on Thursday April 20, 2023 on France 2, what looks like a morel was presented to viewers fond of mushrooms. A few hours later, France television apologized: the species in question can prove fatal to humans.
Regarding mushrooms, the error is sometimes fatal. During the television news of April 20 on France 2, a morel-like mushroom was introduced to viewers as a delicacy that was easy to pick up. In reality, it had in common with the morel only this strange appearance with marked streaks. Because the species presented is a gyrometer : inedible, toxic… even deadly.
“The False Morel”
His nickname makes people laugh. The gyromitre, or “false morel”, presented by Julian Bugier during his news last Thursday is not edible. And even, this small species of mushroom is prohibited for sale for 30 years.
Behind this rough, brown, irregular and salient appearance, a dangerous mushroom that can potentially cause the death of anyone who ingests it raw. Once cooked, it remains inedible and causes stomach aches, vomiting, malaise or diarrhea.
Each year indicates ANSES (National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety), a thousand poisonings linked to the consumption of mushrooms have been identified. In 2021, four people died of it.
In his news at 8 p.m., Anne-Sophie Lapix apologized to France television: indeed, there was an error in the choice of the image of the mushroom presented.
A word to point out an error in the 13 Hours newspaper on the morel pickers. The mushroom you saw on the screen is not a morel but a gyromitre, toxic and deadly, banned from sale in France for thirty years. Above all, do not eat it, raw or cooked.
Corrigendum. The mushroom seen in a report broadcast in the 1 p.m. of France 2 Thursday is not a morel, but a gyromitre. It is toxic, deadly, prohibited for sale in France. Above all, do not eat it, raw or cooked. France 2 apologizes for this error.
— Info France 2 (@infofrance2) April 21, 2023
In a tweet, France 2 corrects the situation and explains that this gyromitre is not to be confused with the morel. The latter is also not edible raw, however, once cooked, it offers its lovers pleasant flavors.
The morel is a species of mushroom covered with cells, similar to a honeycomb, it has an off-white color tending towards ocher or even brown. It belongs to the same group as the gyromites, but has nothing to envy to the latter which remains very toxic, even following cooking.
#Toxic #deadly #mushroom #recommended #report #p.m #news #dangerous