Guzmán met with the IMF over “unsustainable debt”

Former Economy Minister Martín Guzmán was received by officials from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to establish guidelines to stop excessive loans to governments that cannot be repaid later. He also insisted on the removal of surcharges charged to partners such as Argentina, a claim for which there could be news next month.

“So that the money from IMF loans is not used for what it should not be used for,” the economist explained as the reason for his meeting with the directors of the organizations. “So that later we do not get trapped in situations of unsustainable debt,” he proposed in a video that he uploaded to X (ex-Twitter). There he made reference to the US$ 57 billion that had been approved for the then president Mauricio Macri and that even with the renegotiation remains one of the main problems of Argentina. In addition, at this moment Javier Milei is seeking approval from the Fund.

This was the fourth time that Guzmán traveled to Washington. Sources who participated in the conversation told PERFIL that there may be new information in October regarding the surcharges charged to debtors who take out large loans.

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The issue of excessive rates is a complaint that the economist began to take to the IMF when he headed the Treasury and that even obtained the support of Pope Francis.



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