Gutiérrez asks to lower the age limit to be a deputy in Neuquén to 18 years

In his last opening of sessions, the governor of Neuquén, Omar Gutiérrez, raised the amendment of the Constitution of Neuquén, bills to institutionalize the mandatory prior consultation for investments in territories of the original communities, the non-payment by law of the imposition of profits for the state salaries of the province and the installation of a canon that will allow maintaining the route to Vaca Muerta with an oil toll.

The amendment will be for the next election, he raised and will seek a yes or a no, lowering the age of candidates for elective and political positions to 18, which today is 21.

He spoke quickly regarding the credit taking for 40 million dollars with the IDB to start up SMEs and productive projects and another 210 million dollars, with the issuance of “green bonds”, for the start-up of wind and solar power plants such as the of Picún Leufú and the expansion of “El Alamito”.

There were no protest posters or claims at this opening. Unlike the legislative beginning in the city, it was not the campaign harangue that governed the speech of the Executive, butino a farewell tone, in a building full of guests and members of the MPN sections.

The governor arrived on time for the last opening of sessions of his term.

Five minutes before 9 o’clock he got out of the car, finished a mate, took a few steps along the sidewalk in the entrance sector to the legislative building, he asked for one last barley and then yes, he put on his jacket and went inside.


In the enclosure he began his speech almost 40 minutes. Before, the singing of the Emepenista female bar harangued his name while waiting for the start of the session.

Around 11 o’clock, the political and family thanks and the institutional farewell began, following a review of the darkest moments ofThe beginning of the pandemic management and the announcements for this yearo.

Present were the head of the Superior Court of Justice, Soledad Gennari; the vocal Germán Busamia and the general attorney of the province, José Gerez.

There were 31 deputies present at the start and several of the stragglers settled on the benches when the speech was underway. The absence of the deputy of the Frente de Todos, Teresa Rioseco, was only reported.

Marita Villone (MPN) presided over the session due to the campaign leave of Lieutenant Governor Marcos Koopmann, who sat behind the official bloc in a stand he shared with his running mate Ana Pechen, the former governor Jorge Sapagthe former national deputy Alma “Chani” Sapag and the mayor of the capital in search of re-election, Mariano Gaido.

Oil canon and green bonds

The Minister of Economy and Infrastructure, Guillermo Pons, He assured that the search for a canon law for the oil route to Vaca Muerta will have the purpose of maintaining that and other routes.

The initiative involves a toll on the almost completed Route 67 qIt leaves from the Highway to Loma de la Lata, Mari Menuco Perilago – Los Barreales.

“It is a bill to establish a fee on which activities -linked to hydrocarbon exploitation- will pay this fee and the destination. Then the regulation will set the specific fleets and how and how it will be paid” the toll, clarified the official.

He estimated that the toll might be implemented in 2023.

On the announcement of the bill for decision-making 40 million dollars from the IDB for projects new or ongoing SMEs in Neuquén, “it is good that the deadlines are very long, they allow grace periods that allow us to build lines with productive deadlines that can wait for production times,” Pons said

It was an empty and repetitive message, it might only show works financed by the Nation, the hospitals, the gardens, the routes

Lorena Parrilli provincial deputy of the Frente de Todos

He added that “we have the approval of the IDB, If it is confirmed and when the contract can be signed, you work with a trust through the bank and the executing unit is UPEFE”.

Regarding the 210 million dollars for the Picún Leufú wind farm and the expansion of the El Alamito solar park, he indicated that a law was projected for the issuance of “green bonds”, a special issuance for what is needed in the law announced by the governor yesterday.

The 60 million dollars -also from the IDB- is for the electrification of the rural area with “subsidized rate loans,” said the governor.

The eleven projects that he presented

1 Creation of a canon for the conservation of Route 67

2 Comprehensive law of containment devices in violence.

3 Call for referendum for constitutional amendment on age limits in the exercise of public office

4 Previous, free and informed consultation protocol.

5 Regulation of Technique in Sanitary Emergencies.

6 Fruit and vegetable quality promotion program

7 Indebtedness with multilateral organizations up to 60 million dollars.

8 Deduction of the Income Tax lien on state salaries.

9 Issuance of National and International Financing titles for 210 million dollars.

10 Modification of the provincial tax law, to promote the activity related to construction.

11 Law so that Malvinas veterans have an update on their compensation in a timely manner.

The pride of Jorge Sapag

For former governor Jorge Sapag and mentor of the candidacy that led Omar Gutiérrez to the governorship, the planning left by the Neuquén president for 2030 requires macroeconomic policies of the Nation.

“I am excited and proud of Omar Gutiérrez’s management and of the 2030 projection that he leaves following a highly positive result,” he pondered.

He spoke wonders of Vaca Muerta, it seems that he lives in another province, not one with poverty higher than the national average: 37.2%

Andrés Blanco, deputy of the Left Front

He stressed that the 2030 plan presented the goal of reaching production per day of one million barrels of oil and 150 cubic meters of gas.

“That requires a lot of work on pipelines, a treatment plant and investments. Neuquén has just started this development, it has 6 or 7% of the areas and the 2030 plan proposes 30% of the covered surface”, he highlighted.

He added that to achieve that goal it will require accelerating investments “and clear rules of the republic.” He indicated that there is a “tightening of currencies in the Central Bank” due to the lack of inflow of foreign currency and insisted that “we need the republic to generate macroeconomic stability” for the Neuquén plan to be successful.

What will Gutiérrez do in December?

“I have had offers of all kinds, in public and private instances,” said Governor Omar Gutiérrez in relation to his occupation following December 10.

He added that the offers were during electoral times and outside the time of presentation of candidacies, however “I have no idea what I am going to do.”

He clarified that several months of management remain. He added that from now on there is “much to continue specifying” and that the “institutional strengthening” and development plan is still underway.

“After December 10, another stage opens in which it is healthy, for a while, to have another activity,” he said.

“There is a lot of work in the 9 months ahead,” he said amid greetings in the hall of the Legislature, where he spent a long time in dialogue with the MPN militants who came to greet him at the last opening of sessions.

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