Guo Jingfei and Jia Nailiang are the most dissimilar twins in history

“Family Chasing Love” hits the air

Guo Jingfei and Jia Nailiang are the most dissimilar twins in history

2022-04-07 16:38:36Source: Xi’an News Network

Xi’an News Network News I believe that many “fans” of “Extreme Challenge” have seen Guo Jingfei and Jia Nai appearing in the “famous scene” of love and killing in the show. Moved to film and television. Recently, Guo Jingfei and Jia Nailiang played a pair of twins in the popular family emotional light comedy “Chasing the Family” on Jiangsu Satellite TV. A pair of identical twins”. Recently, when the two were interviewed by the media on WeChat, they talked about the interesting stories of the twins’ shooting.

“Chasing Love Family” tells the story of the old Qi family, who lost his wife in middle age. Jia Nailiang’s eldest son, Qi Tianzuo, is a three-Michelin star dessert chef. Because of his misunderstanding of his parents’ marriage, he has always been afraid of getting married. Guo Jingfei plays Qi Tianyou, the second son of Lao Qi and a college teacher. After a good life, he became divorced. The third son Qi Tian also faced emotional difficulties. With his young grandson Qi Mowen, Lao Qi’s house became a proper boys’ dormitory. Even the old and five young men are crowded together in one room, and no one is pleasing to anyone, and anyone who looks at them is a little disgusted. Temper, life is “wolf smoke”, embarrassed. Although life is full of chicken feathers, it is still necessary to sing high.

Guo Jingfei said frankly that Qi Tianyou has two contradictory sides. For example, he is gentle and elegant on the surface, but he is also very stubborn in his heart: “He is actually very contradictory in his heart. Since childhood, everyone has used him as a benchmark, but in fact he is deeply involved. Knowing that he is not very powerful, this interweaving of external pressure and reality makes him very uneasy.” Guo Jingfei said bluntly that it was a little difficult for him to play this role: “Because my life is still a little far from a university professor, I only It can be through observation to play such a character. Of course, I don’t want to be similar to Qi Tianyou, I think I should be completely different from Qi Tianyou.”

Netizens who have watched “Chasing Love Family” were amused by the happy lives of the five “men’s” in the play, and even joked that the show should be renamed “Bachelor’s Happy Life”. Guo Jingfei said, “Chasing Love Family” The previous name was called “Bachelor Family”, which was changed later. Guo Jingfei is mature and stable in the play, but he loves to laugh off the stage: “I don’t hold back, and I like to laugh with everyone. Comedy must be relaxed, because sometimes there are some things that come to mind, only relaxation so that you can express what you want to express in the first time.”

In real life, Jia Nailiang is 5 years younger than Guo Jingfei, but in the play, Jia Nailiang plays the elder brother. In an interview, Jia Nailiang said with a smile: “Guo Jingfei was playing the boss at the time, and I was playing the second brother. Later, I found out that I didn’t look like a university professor. Guo Jingfei was more similar, so we adjusted the script.” In Jia Nailiang’s view, life The most important thing in the play is authenticity and grounding, so that the audience can feel substituted and resonate. For this reason, during the shooting process, Director Ma Ming gave the actors full autonomy, and their improvisations did collide with unexpected sparks. “Half of my performances in the play are made up by myself. Including Brother Fei (Guo Jingfei) and Sister Tan Zhuo, we all put aside the script and hang it now. It’s not that the script is bad, but because we know each other too well. This instinctive reaction will be more real and more fun.” Jia Nailiang said.

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In an interview, Guo Jingfei spoke highly of Jia Nailiang, “He really surprised me!” Guo Jingfei revealed that Jia Nailiang has a wide range of hobbies and hobbies, and he is very smart, and he can learn things as soon as he learns them. The two often nest together and play various musical instruments such as hand dishes and dongxiao. “He learns faster than me, knocks better than me, and is indeed very talented in music.” Apart from filming, the two often meet for fitness, play ball, and even go shopping together. “He came to the house every day to train me, saying that you are so young, you can’t live like an old man, you have to develop some hobbies. Then he will take me to exercise, fitness, playing ball and so on.”

However, Jia Nailiang “accused” Guo Jingfei: “The most annoying thing is Brother Fei. He says he wants to lose weight every day, but he never loses weight. I didn’t say anything about losing weight, but I really did it. I can’t help it. It’s up to me to take care of the front of this house! I really suffer! I have to face them every day to eat ice cream, cakes, desserts, and go out to cook hot pot every day, but I don’t dare to eat or drink. Strictly control your diet.” However, Jia Nailiang also said that Guo Jingfei is a very easy-going person, especially in acting, he and Guo Jingfei have learned a lot.Reporter Zhang Jing

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