Gundam Evolution is now available for pre-loading on Steam!!

Gundam Evolution is a 6v6 Hero Shooting game set in the theme of The most famous Japanese battle robot franchise is Gundum itself, where we will play as the robots in Gundum since the hero. From Barbatos to scumbags like Jim or Saku, and there are plenty of characters to play with. The important thing is that this game is free! and play up to 6 people! It’s a game that can be played for a long time!!!!!

Now, Gundam Evolution is available for download on Steam. You can download it and wait. Personally, the game will be released on September 22 at 9 am or just a few days later! Anyone who doesn’t want to wait, can go download and wait! The game uses up to 18 GB ever.

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poster | Gundam Evolutio | Gundam Evolution is now available for preload on Steam!!

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