Guillem Verger, pioneer in Infectious Diseases, dies

Guillem Verger i Garau, internist, a reference in infectious diseases.

A few days ago the doctor died in Barcelona Guillem Verger and Garaut, a pioneer in Spain in the fight once morest infectious diseases. He was almost 93 years old, and in his professional career, which developed in the second half of the 20th century, he stood out for being the first person in charge of an Infectious Diseases Unit, which was launched in the Hospital de Sant Pauin the Catalan capital.

Verger, graduated in Medicine in 1952, completed his training in Paris in the first years of his professional career, and there, in the Hospital Claude Bernardcomplemented his specialization in Internal Medicine with knowledge in infectious diseases, a field little explored in Spain in those years.

After his return from France, between 1960 and 1965 he was the doctor in charge of the ward at the University Medical Clinic of Professor Agustí Pedro i Pons, and between 1966 and 1968 Head of Service at the Hospital of Our Lady of the Sea.

In 1968 he made the leap to the hospital where he would establish himself as a benchmark in Catalan Medicine, Sant Pau, where he remained until 1975 as a doctor in the Service of emergencies.

In this same center, from 1975 to 1997, the year in which he retired, he held the position of head of the Infectious Diseases Unit, which was the first in this area in Spain. In the field of teaching, between 1971 and 1997, he was a professor of Clinical Pathology and medical in Autonomous University of Barcelona. He is the author of numerous publications and papers, both national and international.

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