Guillaume and Laetitia, the breakup? Summary

HERE IT ALL STARTS. In episode 323 of Here it all begins on Thursday January 27, 2022 on TF1, Laetitia and Guillaume discover that Clotilde is pregnant. Spoilers and summary ahead.

In Here it all begins on January 27, 2022, Clotilde announces to Guillaume that she is pregnant with him. Chief Armand tells her that she wants to keep the child but that she refuses to raise him alone. She hopes that her pregnancy will allow her to win back her husband. This announcement completely shakes the deputy director, who initially refuses to tell Laetitia the truth. But at the end of Clotilde’s lesson, Greg discovers the pregnancy test in a trash can. He decides to investigate with Lionel on the person who could be expecting a child, gradually persuading himself that it could be Chief Armand. When she learns, Kelly announces the news to her mother, in the hope that she breaks up with Guillaume. And it’s effective: Laetitia decides to step aside when she realizes that Guillaume plans to raise the child with Clotilde, not knowing how to position himself vis-à-vis his companion.

Episode 323 of Here it all begins also reveals surprises on the side of Amber, Tom and Solal. KillTom contacts the young woman and sends her the photo taken the day before. Solal worries that his girlfriend will become a target of the hater, who has fully understood that she intends to trap him. Once they are alone, Solal demands that Tom stop dragging Amber into his stories. Later, at the commissary, the influencer announces to his friend that he is going back to live at the Institute. He admits to her that Solal lectured him on KillTom, but Amber refuses to let go of the matter. She then confesses to him that she likes him, but cannot get an answer to her confessed feelings, as they are interrupted by Jasmine. At the end of the day, Amber admits to Solal that she feels an attraction for Tom. Solal is offended, not liking the young man at all.

Finally, in Here everything begins this Thursday evening on TF1, Hortense is distant with Mehdi. The latter confesses his love to her once again and offers her a weekend for two, but his girlfriend believes that this is not enough to reassure her about her feelings. Suffering too much from the state of their relationship, Hortense decides to break up with Mehdi. At Double A, Hortense collapses in full service before receiving support from Célia. Eliott and Célia try to put the pieces back together by encouraging Mehdi, who doesn’t know what to do to save his relationship. He then decides to fight to convince Hortense of his love and offers to organize the best Valentine’s Day possible. The couple decides to get back together.

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