Guidelines on Seat Belt and Mobile Phone Usage: Stay Safe While Driving in Doha

2023-09-01 01:25:45

Doha: Seat belt and mobile phone usage guidelines More details to follow when tees begin on Sunday Authorities with colors. Do not use mobile phone while driving and do not wear seat belt. Automated radar systems for stopping and stopping General Traffic Department Radar Operations May Dhawi Major Hamad Ali Al Muhannadi gave the explanation. Driving Meanwhile, the mobile phone is not only handy, but also the dashboard. Touching the phone installed in will also work.

Any visual media while driving, including phones or dashboard monitors What we use will also become illegal. Radar sensors detect and fault Menn explained in the interview he gave to Al Rayan T.V. Touching the new radar number on the previously installed phone Traffic will be violated by the policy. A dashboard monitor is similar to a car dashboard. Doing so is also considered a traffic violation. Not only that, but it can be detected by radar.


Driving by viewing any scenes on the vehicle’s display screen Tampering will also be treated as an offence. At the same time, the mobile phone headset installed on the car’s dash body or the like It is illegal to use it through loudspeakers. No. But WhatsApp chat is also available by touching the mobile screen. Doing, reading, viewing, and searching Steps will be taken.

Radar systems announced two weeks ago, August 27 The operation was started on a trial basis. Sm. They are given advance notice through S. Violation footage is also available through the Metrash app. will Violators will be fined from Sunday, September 3. Start talking. The fine is 500 riyals.

When using navigation…

There is nothing wrong with using navigation apps to get directions. Navigation p to mobile phone or screen installed on dashboard Then it is possible to travel. However, navigation ser by touching the phone or other screens while driving. Do not write or type. Set up the navigation and get everything ready before the journey begins. Major Hamad Ali Al Muhannadi explains why. If you have to map and route on your phone while traveling, you will be busy. sure

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