Guide: How to make your home ‘green’ – The costs and benefits 2024-08-05 12:00:58

A building that is constructed from the ground up or converted to a high energy efficiency one, as a result of which it consumes less energy for both heating and cooling. Beyond the various insulations, where in the last 15 years there has been great progress in the performance of materials, there are new types of devices and new technologies that significantly reduce electricity costs and dramatically upgrade the quality of life of the tenants. With a proper study, the benefit from saving electricity or using it for heating compensates the cost of the interventions within 10 years. If the relevant available subsidies are used, it can be amortized even in 5 years.


In terms of cost, larger interventions bring the best results, but cost more (roof insulation, external wall thermal insulation, etc.). On the plus side, there are changes that anyone can make with medium (eg frames, solar water heater) or small costs (eg LED lamps) and have immediate significant results. All experts agree that in existing buildings, before any other intervention, thermal insulation plays a dominant role in saving energy. They explain that 50% of heat loss in winter and overheating in summer comes from the walls and about 25% from the frames. The main interventions that can be carried out in existing buildings are the replacement of frames, the purchase of cooling-heating systems of new technology and lower consumption, shading where it does not exist and the upgrading of electrical devices.

Integrated thermal insulation can bring energy savings of up to 70%. This includes the roof insulation for those in penthouses (about 10%).

  • Frames: One of the first things that an expert suggests is replacing the external frames with modern and energy efficient ones. A medium to low cost solution, compared to others, which however has a significant impact on the heating/cooling costs of a home. It is usually done with double or energy glazing and thermal insulation frame, which results in energy savings of 20 to 25%.
  • Heating and air conditioning equipment upgrade: Whichever way someone has chosen to heat or cool their home, newer ones bring greater efficiency at lower cost. Especially if the choice of the existing device was made 15 years ago, which concerns the majority of Greek homes. The difference in cost, but also the speed of heating/cooling, that the new technologies have, is night and day. Especially if the existing ones lack basic automations, such as e.g. thermostat or timer. Higher efficiency systems recommended by experts are the heat pump or inverter air conditioners.
  • External thermal insulation of walls: More and more experts are recommending as a solution, which decisively changes the energy class of each residence, but more so in those older than 15 years, the external thermal insulation of walls. It means less fuel for heating in winter and less electricity for air conditioning in summer. It is a way in which the building is upgraded energetically while simultaneously with the application of the system you also renovate its exterior, while its commercial value also increases! A complete external thermal insulation system of the latest generation, with a 10-year warranty, will cost approximately 17.22 euros/m2+VAT for the materials, while together with the work of an experienced workshop, the cost reaches close to 32.22 euros/m2 .m.
  • Solar Water Heater: It is a must, especially in a country with a lot of sunshine, like Greece. Even in the northern regions of the country, the existence of a solar system makes a big difference in the cost of electricity. Care must be taken in the choice, since if someone buys a collector with a much larger tank capacity than he needs, he will see that it takes a long time for the water to heat up, if he buys a much smaller one, it will not be enough. Something similar applies to solar panels. If you get a smaller surface area than the tank needs, then it will take time for the water to heat up, if you get a much bigger one, the tank will wear out as it faces higher temperatures. On the plus side, some of the best solar water heaters are manufactured in Greece, the experts have experience, and you can get one at a low cost, compared to the savings it offers. For use by 2-3 people, a tank of 120-130 liters (around 600 euros) is recommended, while for 3-4 people, one close to 160 liters (around 800-1,100 euros).
  • “Green” roof: It is an option that is experiencing a significant rise in popularity. It aesthetically upgrades and insulates a building. With only 1.5 sq.m. planted roof produces enough oxygen for the annual needs of an adult. About 6 sq.m. cover the annual needs of a family of four. The temperature of a planted roof is usually kept below 35 degrees, making the air conditioning of the building much more efficient and economical. Interesting that soon it might not just be a choice, but a necessity, as according to the European Environment Agency, to be considered sustainable a city must have 10 sq.m. of greenery per inhabitant. In Athens they correspond to 2.7 sq.m. per inhabitant. The discrepancy is huge. Costs vary greatly from construction to construction, but a rooftop in Attica that was converted into a vegetable/flower garden and barbecue in May cost 9,000 euros.

The basics stages for “green” renovation

  • Energy audit of the building
  • Green renovation study
  • Energy saving measures
  • Costing of energy interventions
  • Amortization time of interventions
  • Implementation of green renovation
  • Construction/implementation of interventions
  • Energy control
  • Technical report and issuance of Energy Certificate

Reduce your electricity bill with “smart” interventions

  • “Smart” Led lamps: The easiest thing anyone can do to make their home greener and lower their bills is to install LED technology lights. Energy efficient light bulbs last longer and run on less current. This has been true for 20 years. In 2024, we are now talking about smart light bulbs. They cost a little more, but they last even longer, while they have additional technology that offers an upgrade to the quality of life and a greater reduction in electricity bills. Most of them allow you to connect via WiFi so that you can control them from your mobile, so you never forget the light is on again, others have a system like radar, so that as soon as a room is empty they close automatically and many more features that at a cost of approx. from €10 per bulb, they won’t break the bank. Note that the more features they have and the better the features, the cost goes up. A kit of 3 state-of-the-art lamps, with WiFi or Bluetooth, color change, dimming, etc., is close to 160 euros.
  • Solar lighting: If someone invests in lighting, they can choose solar lights for the balcony or garden. With solar panels that “harvest” energy all day, store it and use it at night, they have zero cost on the electricity bill. Depending on the features and quality, you can find from 10 to 200 euros a piece, but for most household needs, decorators choose models of 20 euros.
  • “Smart” thermostat: Forgetting to set the thermostat incorrectly can prove to be very expensive. Now there are smart solutions that, either with a setting or with control via WiFi, offer the possibility to check the settings from your mobile phone. You can program a smart thermostat to turn on at certain times of the day or to lock and be the only one who can adjust it.


Thermal insulation of walls 28,73 – 30,68
Full roof insulation 29
Thermal insulation, roof waterproofing 16-20
Ceramic roof insulation, elenit 18-29
Pilot insulation 20-33
Polyurethane injection into bricks 20-33
80 sq.m., 3 balcony doors, 2 windows 6.500
100 sq.m., 4 balcony doors, 3 windows 8.500
2-3 people (120-130lt) 550 – 700
3-4 people (160lt) 800 – 1.100
Air conditioner A+++

9.000 BTU

400 – 600
Air conditioner A+++

18.000 BTU

800 – 1.100
Kitchen – oven A++ 800 – 1.200
Washing machine +++ 400 – 600
Smart LED bulbs 8 – 60
Smart thermostat 35 – 80


Thermal insulation material (more expensive) 5.90€
Thermal insulation material (cheaper) 3,95€
Paste material 1.64€
Reinforcement glass mesh 1,08€
Mounting plugs 0,55€
Basic coating 2,39€
Adhesion primer 0,34€
Final silicone coating of white chromo plaster 3,78€
Labor cost 15-18€/m²
Material cost (more expensive) 15,68€/m²
Materials cost (cheaper) 13,73€/m²
Total cost €28.73-30.68/sq.m. *

*Prices do not include VAT

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