Guesthouses in south Bolzano, the Municipality: ok to 500 mini-housings – Bolzano

BOLZANO. “How many accommodations? At least five hundred». The mayor regards the green light from the Municipality for the construction in Zone Of employee apartments and speaks of a turning point that will change the cards on the table: «Bolzano south will now be able to start solving its problems related to the levels of attractiveness of the workforce» he adds Caramaschi. Five hundred is the limit. Which however comes to the conclusion of a long pressure from the economic world first on the Province, which paved the way in the lands of provincial interest, and then on the procedures that the municipality was called to follow to define the legislation and authorize its implementation. «After this resolution – he says – everything is clearer».

There are constraints, naturally. One of them concerns the cubic capacity: there must be no overextension of the same. In essence, the entrepreneur who wishes to insert housing units in the buildings owned by him, both buildings and industrial warehouses suitable for the purpose, is required to integrate them into the building without increasing its volume. This is what was also requested by the Municipality, always careful, as happened with the regulation of student residences, to avoid speculation or initiatives capable of entering the ravines of urban planning regulation.

The lodgings, which will be mini-apartments with one room plus bathroom and toilet, are included in the general regulation of guesthouses in an industrial area: rotation among the occupants, employment within precise time limits, preparation of a framework of opportunities that can allow the worker who obtains a stabilization of the contract to find another more structured accommodation. However, this is what entrepreneurs are asking for. An initial picture of the collaboration that does not immediately impact with the dramatic Bolzano home market which has always been a deterrent to attracting labour, especially qualified ones.

If the worker or technician is forced to face the capital city’s inflationary picture, its prices and rents alone, he is often forced to give up even convenient contracts that are inadequate for the cost of living. In this way, both the entrepreneur and the worker, on the other hand, have a sufficient margin of time to calibrate their presence in the factory or in the company: to obtain salary increases, and thus be more competitive in the housing market, or to better manage the search for accommodation with more time available. This regulation on mini-apartments does not enter, among other things, into the framework regulation of acoustic zoning and therefore will not follow its eventual evolution as an overall urban framework of the Zone.



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