Güemes asked for the union of the people of Salta

The people of General Güemes and the community of faith celebrated the patron saint festivities in honor of Santa Rosa Lima, the first canonized saint of Latin America in Peru.

The day, in which the Minister of Government, Human Rights and Labor participated, Ricardo Villada together with the local mayor, Carlos Rosso and the monsignor Mario Antonio Cargnelloand other provincial authorities, began with a solemn mass in the parish of the same name. There, prayers were held for the unity of the people of Salta and the common good of the province of Salta.

Later, the authorities participated in the traditional procession together with neighbours and civil and social institutions. On the occasion, the Minister stressed the importance of accompanying the communities in their various manifestations of faith, within the framework of the diversity of worship and interreligious dialogue. “It is always an honour and a pleasure to accompany and participate in such an important celebration for all the residents of the Sianca Valley and even more so in these times where spiritual strength is essential to face all the challenges posed by the current reality,” he said.

After the procession, the authorities took their places in the central box to witness the civic-military parade in which security forces, educational institutions, gaucho forts, social and civil organizations, among others, participated.

The Provincial Director of Worship, Daniela Chávez, the national deputy, Pamela Calletti, the mayor of Campo Santo, Facundo Taché, and the mayor of El Bordo, Sergio Copa, among other municipal authorities, neighbors, among others, also participated in the activities.



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