Guatemalan Lawmaker Responds to Commissioner Volker Türk’s Comments on the Country’s Judicial Framework

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, at the opening of the 57th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, referred to the effects on human rights of the “capture” of state institutions by political and economic actors.

In his speech, he pointed out that the “capture” of the State in its various forms is an abuse of power, with serious consequences for human rights.

He said that “powerful economic and political actors take control of state institutions that should be independent, such as the judiciary or electoral commissions, silence critical voices and plunder resources exclusively for their own political and financial benefit.”

Türk said: “We see this, for example, in Guatemala, where criminal law and its processes are abused by some official actors, such as the attorney general, to pressure and persecute those involved in the defense of human rights and promoting accountability.”

In this regard, the Public Ministry (MP) of Guatemala responded to Commissioner Volker Türk on Tuesday, September 10, through the social network X.

“Since July, an official communication was sent to Mr. Volker Türk stating that, according to Article 251 of the Political Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala and other laws of the country, the Public Prosecutor’s Office is the only institution in charge of criminal investigation and prosecution in Guatemala,” the MP stated.

The investigative body stated: “Mr. Türk, as a human rights defender, understands and values ​​the importance of the existence of a true rule of law where laws are respected and where no person is above them, understanding these as the bases on which the harmonious coexistence of all Guatemalans rests.”

He pointed out that, on that account, “This assertion is totally false and is categorically rejected. Likewise, the same is unfounded since, by not being part of the file, -Türk- is unaware of the legal, factual and evidentiary facts that the Public Prosecutor’s Office has to take legal action and by virtue of which, the judges supervising the investigation have issued different resolutions in compliance with the Political Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala, and the Guatemalan legal system, which is why it is worrying that opinions are issued out of context in a clear lack of knowledge of the different judicial files.”

Further reading: Volker Türk: Human rights are not in crisis, but political leadership is

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#responds #Commissioner #Volker #Türk #statements #justice #system #Guatemala

Here are two PAA-related questions based on the title **”The Capture of⁤ State Institutions: A Threat‍ to Human Rights”**:

The Capture of​ State ‍Institutions: A Threat to Human ⁣Rights

The‍ United Nations High Commissioner for Human⁢ Rights, ​Volker Türk, has sounded the alarm on⁤ the “capture” of state institutions by political and economic actors, highlighting the⁣ severe consequences for human rights. ‌In ‍his ‌speech at the opening of the 57th session of the Human ⁢Rights ⁣Council ⁤in Geneva, Switzerland, Türk emphasized that this phenomenon constitutes an abuse of power, leading to the silencing ⁤of critical voices and the plundering of resources for⁣ personal political‌ and financial gain.

The Case of​ Guatemala

Türk‌ cited Guatemala ⁤as an example of this “capture,” ⁢where criminal law and its ⁢processes are being ⁤abused by ‍some official actors, ‍such as the attorney general, ⁤to pressure and persecute ⁢those involved in defending human rights and promoting accountability. In response, the Public Ministry (MP) of Guatemala refuted Türk’s ‌assertions, stating⁣ that the Public⁣ Prosecutor’s Office is the only ⁣institution responsible for criminal ​investigation and ⁢prosecution in Guatemala, as per Article 251 ‍of the ⁤Political Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala and other ⁢laws of the country.

The Importance ⁢of an Independent Judiciary

The⁣ MP’s statement highlights the importance of an independent ‌judiciary, where laws ‍are respected ​and no person is above them. However, Türk’s concerns about the “capture” ⁤of state institutions suggest that this independence is⁣ being compromised, leading to the erosion of human rights.

The Role​ of the United Nations

As the High Commissioner⁤ for Human​ Rights, Volker Türk is committed to promoting and protecting human rights globally. In his role, he has consistently emphasized the need for political ‌leadership⁤ to prioritize human‌ rights [[2]]. The ‌United Nations, through its various agencies and mechanisms, plays a crucial role in supporting‍ countries to strengthen their human rights⁤ frameworks ⁤and institutions.

Personal Commitment to Human​ Rights

Volker Türk’s commitment to human rights is deeply​ personal. He has been ⁤inspired by the Universal Declaration⁢ of Human Rights,⁤ which he received at the age of 15 and has kept with him ever since [[1]]. His dedication to promoting and ⁢protecting human rights is reflected in his work as the‌ High Commissioner, where he has been vocal about the need to​ address the “capture” of state institutions and ensure that human⁢ rights are respected and protected.


The “capture” of state‌ institutions by political and economic actors is a serious threat to human ⁢rights, as highlighted by Volker Türk. It is essential that governments and international organizations⁢ work together⁢ to strengthen independent institutions, promote accountability, and protect human rights defenders. ​As Türk emphasized, the rule of law and respect for human rights ‌are essential for the ‍harmonious coexistence‌ of all people.

Further Reading:

* Volker Türk: Human rights are not in crisis, but political leadership is




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Here is a relevant PAA (People Also Ask) question related to the title “The ‘Capture’ of State Institutions: A Threat to Human Rights, Says UN High Commissioner Volker Türk”:

The “Capture” of State Institutions: A Threat to Human Rights, Says UN High Commissioner Volker Türk

In a recent speech at the opening of the 57th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk highlighted the devastating effects of the “capture” of state institutions by political and economic actors on human rights. This phenomenon, where powerful actors take control of institutions that should be independent, such as the judiciary or electoral commissions, has serious consequences for human rights.

Türk pointed out that this abuse of power leads to the silencing of critical voices and the plundering of resources for personal political and financial gain. He cited the example of Guatemala, where criminal law and its processes are abused by some official actors, such as the attorney general, to pressure and persecute those involved in the defense of human rights and promoting accountability.

In response to Türk’s statement, the Public Ministry (MP) of Guatemala issued a statement on September 10, rejecting the High Commissioner’s assertion as “totally false and categorically rejected.” The MP stated that the Public Prosecutor’s Office is the only institution in charge of criminal investigation and prosecution in Guatemala, and that Türk is unaware of the legal, factual, and evidentiary facts that the Public Prosecutor’s Office has to take legal action.

However, it is worth noting that Volker Türk had recently visited Guatemala, where he met with the Governor of the department of Totonicapán, Delfina [[1]] [[2]]. During his visit, he expressed concerns about the human rights situation in the country, highlighting the importance of protecting human rights defenders and promoting accountability.

Türk’s statement is not an isolated incident. The “capture” of state institutions is a widespread phenomenon that affects many countries around the world. It is essential to recognize the seriousness of this issue and take action to protect human rights and promote accountability.

the “capture” of state institutions is a grave threat to human rights, and it is crucial to address this issue urgently. Volker Türk’s statement serves as a wake-up call to governments, civil society, and the international community to take action to protect human rights and promote accountability.


[1] OHCHR / GUATEMALA VOLKER TURK VISIT | UNifeed (July 18, 2024)

[2] Visite officielle du Haut-Commissaire au Guatemala du 16 au 19 juillet (July 12, 2024)

[3] UN Human Rights Chief Volker Türk concludes official visit to Guatemala (July 19, 2024)



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