Guatemalan first division coach murdered

Julio Ariz “El Loco” Leiva, coach of the San Pedro Sports Club, his life ended abruptly this Sunday, August 18, in an act of violence that darkened the sporting horizon of Huehuetenango.

Leiva and his team were in a restaurant next to a gas station, preparing for an eagerly awaited match against the La Democracia club. The tranquility of the lunch was broken when a white vehicle stopped in front of the restaurant.

Men dressed in vests similar to those of the National Civil Police (PNC) and the Specialized Division for Criminal Investigation (Deic) They entered the establishment. With a disturbing coldness, they informed that they needed to speak with Leiva.

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The details of the murder

The coach, known for his energetic character and strategic approach, came out to attend to the request. The next few minutes became a nightmare. The calm of the place was broken by the roar of up to fifteen shots who left Leiva on the ground, bleeding to death.

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#Guatemalan #division #coach #murdered
2024-08-20 19:47:39



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