Guatemala: Journalists Request Amparo Against Criminal Prosecution | News

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — A group of journalists being investigated by the Guatemalan Prosecutor’s Office, with the authorization of a judge, requested an injunction from a judicial court to stop the investigation that, in their opinion, poses a threat of persecution penalty for the publications they make in their journalistic practice.

The amparo was requested by Denis Aguilar, Álex Valdez, Rony Ríos and Christian Véliz, with the accompaniment of the organization Acción Ciudadana and the chapter of Transparency International in Guatemala, with the intention of stopping the investigation.

Edie Cux, from Acción Ciudadana, said that with the appeal they intend to respect what the constitution says, that “there is no crime, nor is there any fault for criticism made by journalists.” Any official who feels offended by journalistic publications can make use of established legal mechanisms such as the press jury to settle the matter.

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