Guatemala Embraces 135 Former Political Prisoners Released from Nicaragua Thanks to US Diplomatic Efforts

The White House announced this Thursday that he got the release from 135 “political prisoners “unjustly detained” in Nicaraguawho according to their statement would be welcomed in Guatemala.

USA appreciates the leadership and generosity of the Government of Guatemala for kindly accepting these Nicaraguan citizens. Once in Guatemala, these people were will offer the opportunity to request legal forms of rebuild their lives in the United States or other countries,” said the advisor National Security of the Presidency, Jake Sullivan.

No person, in his opinion, should be imprisoned for peacefully exercising their fundamental rights to the freedom of expression, association and practice of their religion.

Among the 135 people released hay 13 members of the Mountain Gateway NGObased in Texas (USA), as well as Catholic laymen, students and others that the Nicaraguan president, Daniel Ortegaand the vice president, Rosario Murillo“consider a threat for his authoritarian government,” according to the Executive Joe Biden.

Biden and his number two, the Democratic candidate in the November 5 elections, Kamala Harristhanked the president of Guatemala, Bernardo Arevalo de Leon“his continued leadership across the region in addressing humanitarian issues and defending democratic freedom.

“The United States again calls on the Government of Nicaragua to cease immediately arbitrary arrest and detention of its citizens for the mere exercise of their fundamental freedoms,” added Sullivan, according to whom the release of these 135 people has taken place “because humanitarian reasons“.

In February 2023 the Nicaraguan Executive released 222 political prisoners and expelled them from the country. On that occasion, after their release, they were transferred to the Managua International Airport to board a plane bound for Washington.

Arevalo is pronounced

President Bernardo Arévalo issued a message on his social network X, in which he provided details of Guatemala’s position.

He said that Guatemala has shown its “firm democratic conviction, which roundly rejects the threats of authoritarian regression.” “We reaffirm this commitment and return the international solidarity that we have received so many times, welcoming 135 Nicaraguan brothers, freed political prisoners,” he explained.

Blinken thanks for support

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken thanked Guatemala for receiving the freed Nicaraguans.

In a statement, the president accused Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo of continuing to violate human rights by imprisoning their political opponents.

He asked that Nicaraguans be able to “restore their democracy” and exercise their fundamental rights without being persecuted.

Details of the reception

The US and Guatemalan governments have also announced that the Central American country has already received political prisoners, including religious leaders, lay people and human rights defenders.

It was reported that the U.S. facilitated the transportation of the people from Nicaragua to Guatemala, where they will receive food, lodging, and medical and psychiatric assistance provided by partners from the countries involved.

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#Guatemala #receives #political #prisoners #Nicaragua #released #efforts

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related‌ questions based on the title “US‍ Secures Release of 135 Nicaraguan ‌Political Prisoners,​ Welcomed in Guatemala”:

US‍ Secures Release ⁣of⁤ 135 Nicaraguan ⁢Political Prisoners, Welcomed⁢ in ⁢Guatemala

In a significant development, the United States government has‍ secured the release of 135 Nicaraguan political prisoners, who have arrived in Guatemala after being detained‍ by the Nicaraguan authorities. The move⁤ is seen as⁣ a major breakthrough in promoting⁤ democracy and human rights in the Central American region.

According to reports, the ⁤released prisoners ​include members of the Mountain Gateway ‍NGO,⁣ Catholic laymen, students, and others who were considered ⁢a threat to the ⁣authoritarian government of President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo [1[1[1[1[1[1[1[1].

The White House has expressed gratitude to the Government of Guatemala for accepting the released prisoners, who will now have the opportunity to rebuild their lives in⁤ the‍ United​ States ⁤or other countries. National Security Advisor ⁤Jake Sullivan emphasized that no individual should be imprisoned for peacefully exercising their fundamental⁢ rights to freedom of expression, association, and religion [2[2[2[2[2[2[2[2].

The release of the ‍prisoners ‍is seen as a humanitarian gesture, and the United States has called on the Nicaraguan government to​ cease arbitrary⁢ arrests and detentions⁤ of its citizens for exercising their fundamental freedoms. This is not the first time that Nicaragua has released ‍political​ prisoners; in February 2023, the country ​released​ 222 ⁢political prisoners and expelled them from⁣ the country.

Guatemalan President​ Bernardo Arévalo has issued a statement, welcoming the​ released prisoners and reaffirming​ his country’s commitment to⁢ democratic values ⁣and human rights.​ The United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken,⁣ has thanked Guatemala for its support and called on Nicaragua to restore democracy and respect human rights [3[3[3[3[3[3[3[3].

The released prisoners will receive‌ food, lodging,⁤ and medical and psychiatric assistance in Guatemala, ‍facilitated by the US and Guatemalan governments. The

Here are some related questions for the title: **US Secures Release of 135 Nicaraguan Political Prisoners, Welcomed in Guatemala**

US Secures Release of 135 Nicaraguan Political Prisoners, Welcomed in Guatemala

In a significant development, the United States government has successfully secured the release of 135 Nicaraguan political prisoners, who have arrived in Guatemala, where they will be processed as refugees [1[1]. The prisoners were released as part of a deal between the US and Nicaragua, following months of negotiations [3[3].

According to a statement from the White House, the released prisoners will be offered the opportunity to request legal forms of asylum in the United States or other countries [2[2]. The move has been welcomed by US officials, who praised the Guatemalan government for its “leadership and generosity” in accepting the prisoners.

The release of the prisoners is seen as a major step forward in the region, with US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan stating that no person should be imprisoned for peacefully exercising their fundamental rights to freedom of expression, association, and religion.

Among those released were 13 members of the Mountain Gateway NGO, based in Texas, as well as Catholic laymen, students, and others who were considered a threat to the authoritarian government of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo.

US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris thanked Guatemalan President Bernardo Arevalo de Leon for his country’s continued leadership in addressing humanitarian issues and defending democratic freedom.

In a statement, President Arevalo de Leon reiterated Guatemala’s commitment to democratic conviction and its rejection of authoritarian regression, adding that the country was proud to welcome the 135 Nicaraguan brothers who had been freed from political prison [4[4].

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also thanked Guatemala for its support in addressing humanitarian issues and defending democratic freedom.

The release of the prisoners is not the first time Nicaragua has freed political prisoners. In February 2023, the Nicaraguan Executive released 222 political prisoners and expelled them from the country, following which they were transferred to the Managua International Airport to board a plane bound for Washington.

This development is a significant step forward in promoting democratic values and protecting human rights in the region.

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