Guatemala a country without utopias

prying peephole

What are we experiencing extraordinary moments of humanity? It’s undeniable!

Society is agitated! We return to existential uncertainty, to palmistry, to intellectual speculation, and instinctive fears of the elemental and certain emerge, as it had to be in the early days.

Basically, because knowing that air exists, we breathe without noticing the magic that life and death entail in a single act that guarantees survival.

We live because we breathe! … We die because we breathe!

And having it in front of us… we begin to question life… the reason for being, of what is evident that it exists, because it is there.

We open our minds to ignorance! To feel the need to protect ourselves and be able to claim protection from superior beings!… who, faced with the perplexity of understanding, and the simple act of thinking, becomes independent of the gods and returns repeatedly to the same man…

The man Saved! and protected by the same man! (understood as a universal generic species that today, in the implanted modernism, is understood as human beings)

The eternal circle of emotional and spiritual dependence!

We hate the executioner, when we realize that he is an executioner! … We give ourselves to him, to prevent another, equal to or worse than him, from cutting off our heads!

This is how chiefs and kings were born, from that inexplicable relationship of simultaneous love and hate, between the one who commands and the one who obeys, which, in the darkness of the centuries, arose from confrontation, elimination and war.

The strongest of the tribe became chief because he was the strongest, he beat them, if they did not obey him, when he explored outside the cave, he always hunted, provided food… and regularly, he imposed his will on others… and the Others feared and obeyed.

He had to leave the tribe… inbreeding began to be reflected in the congenital defects of the members of the primitive group… due to incestuous cohabitation between close relatives and they left their cave to search for distant caverns… not to offer them fraternity or concord…

They emigrated to subdue, fight, win and enslave… From Caciques they became Kings, and from Kings into Emperors!

There is no, if not in the historical literature, approaches that derive in fraternal and community societies.

Thomas Morewho rested on philosophy the political practice of his best-known work, La Utopia, would have been stoned, if instead of the year 1500, he had dared to write his idealized proposal, in today’s world.

The island of Utopia would have been swallowed up by the eternal discussion about political dominance, where there is no room for anything other than the dispute of specific interests, where power and politics are philosophically replaced by the most degraded practices of submission without ideals (Power). , ideals without philosophy (Politics) and supposedly criminal social objectives, ignoring the people.

Always the people!, final objective of the ambition of power, which created demagogy as a theoretical instrument, to ignore it… with their consent.

In Moro’s fiction, he resists serving kings because you find them submerged “in selfishness, envy and prejudices”, More, due to his talent, was a political servant close to Henry VIII, recognized for his fondness for abusive exercise of power and his propensity to collect wives, whose permanent memory would be the heads, but separated from their bodies.

In the center of that terrifying concept of dominance and power, it is reasonable that Don Tomás’s ideal land was far from that totalitarian presence, and he even thought, literary, to place it on an island, far from the world, where a social organization, dispensed with private property and power was exercised in State Cities, where the people owned everything and decided by exercising a model similar to the contemporary democratic one.

Who, if not a philosopher, can abstract from matter and its ideal?

How, to reason soberly, around the pathetic existential reality, of that intelligent being and his need to possess everything in his environment, beyond the mammoth and the dinosaur, which he put within reach of his hands, land, forests, animals; that set of animate and apparently inanimate objects? (it is increasingly accepted that above and below the earth, everything has life and a supra-human connection… Trees that can walk, leaves that move independently of those around them side and seers dare to affirm that everything that exists was superimposed on this experimental planet, which we call earth in the midst of the immensity of a limitless firmament).

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“Everything is true or it can be a lie…according to the glass through which it is looked at”.

Within that world, with microscopic beings that live in boiling lava, marine species of inexplicable shapes at the bottom of the sea, it seems that the human element was commissioned to exercise dominance, also apparently intelligent, to subdue other species. .

Endowed with free will, with the passage of time between times, driven by the energy of an unusual nature of his fellow experimenters, he transformed intelligence into a weapon of lethal confrontation.

Go deeper, where you go deeper, there is not a single people, whose temptation to expand domain and territory, has not been the basis of its history.

History records the main empires known to this day: The British Empire, the Mongol Empire, the Russian Empire, the Spanish Empire, the Chinese Qing Dynasty, the Chinese Yua Dynasty, the Umayyad Caliphate, the French Empire.

Empire that is defined as “Political organization of a state that extends its domain to other peoples and that in general has power centered on an emperor.”

In short, a pyramid of political power, which comes from the factor that consumes the most resources in the world and which is used to kill with legal permission, and which has been the main controller of population growth… War.

There is not a single justification for the expansion of political power that does not involve confrontation, confrontation and blood.

United States $761,000.00 million dollars
China $230,000.00 million dollars
Russia $82,000.00 million dollars
India $54,200.00 million dollars
Germany $52,332.00 million dollars
Australia $52,162.00 million dollars
United Kingdom $50,235.00 million dollars
Saudi Arabia $46,000.00 million dollars
France $45,943.00 million dollars.

Missing twice as many countries with millionaire budgets dedicated to war, active or passive, would fill the figure with so many zeros that it would make it repulsive to read it.

We are a world in wars, wars and guerrillas

And in that concert, with tunes and chirimillas, our miserable territories, scorched… but looking at the World Cup… fighting for land… but planting poppies… flying kites… but also planes with coke… making lots of conventions… to put thugs from candidates…

Will they register the candidates? Or the joy of the donkey will remain in the refusal of the Provisional Protection.

Will they register the candidates? Or the money is ratatouille with a candidacy or without a candidacy.

The mayoral candidates are concerned that their candidate for the presidency will win. Either they paid or received for their space, and the rest is the least of it.

Did Operation Ukraine-President help Ukraine or the President?

Haiti… is it a letter of recommendation for one of the candidates? Or the cemetery of candidacies, peredastras and skeletons.

Does Don Taracena’s statement that he had used English as a form of pressure to change procedural laws make him a hero? Or I confess the disastrous application of the Criminal Law of the Enemy, which facilitated the task of Don Iván Velásquez López for the constitutional modification, changing the procedural laws!

Why, when the presidential candidates warn the people, that if they are not left, a dark future awaits Guatemala, does the Count of Congress turn his eyes down and show them the raised middle finger instead of the index finger in a clenched fist, which identifies your party?

Oh, my Guatemala of my passions!

Free emission of thought.

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